Organisations & nonprofits
Within a few clicks, you can create company-specific teaching materials, learning lines and certificates, complete in your own corporate identity!
Pluvo has everything you need to train and upskill your employees. Create your own onboarding courses and e-learnings, chat with each other, hand out certificates and make comprehensive reports. Of course, in your own style!
Learning is more personal than ever with our comprehensive, personal learning paths. Both the course material and the learning lines are adaptive and adapt automatically based on behavior, entry day or date: you set the conditions!
Make your colleagues feel right at home with e-learning and certificates, completely in their own style. Then connect Pluvo to your own subdomain and you really have your own academy for your organisation!
Connect Pluvo to 2,000+ apps via our Zapier integration. Do you want a customised link to your CRM or HR system? This is easy to integrate via the Pluvo API. Contact us to discuss the options.
Pluvo is full of extra features that make your online academy even more effective and interesting.
The library is the central repository for general information and documents. Think, for example, of manuals, templates and books. This way, your employees can easily find all the important information.
Each employee has their own development plan. This allows someone to work very specifically on personal goals. This ensures that goals are reached more quickly and that you, as a manager, have insight into this.
In just a few clicks, create a comprehensive report with the data you find important for a quick overview. You can then easily export them and share them with anyone you want.
Diederik de Bruyn