E-learning review
E-learning review
Pluvo's e-learning experts ensure that your e-learning is even better!
Get in touchDuring an e-learning review, one of our e-learning experts will thoroughly review your e-learning. Are the settings of your assignments correct? Are your lyrics flawless? And is there a logical structure to your e-learning? These and many other didactical and technical questions are critically examined by our e-learning experts. This is followed by an improvement proposal. Do you agree with our proposals? Then we'll roll up our sleeves to make your online training the perfect one finishing touch to give.
The cost of an e-learning review depends on the amount of content that our e-learning experts have to review. We will estimate the required hours and the associated price in a free quote. Do you accept our quote? Then we'll schedule a kick-off meeting with you and our e-learning expert. We will then make a plan so that you know exactly what to expect from us.
Would you rather receive feedback without our e-learning experts implementing the improvement proposals? Then take a look at our e-learning advice. Curious about the e-Learning Review? Contact us via the form for more information or to request this service!
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