This * cookie policy was last amended on October 21, 2020.
All websites collect cookies from their users. Pluvo, too. We take your online privacy seriously. That's why we think it's important to be clear about exactly what we collect from you and why. Do you still have questions after reading? Then mail to:
When you visit our website, we automatically place a small text file on your phone, tablet or computer. Here, we collect data, such as your login name or your surfing behavior. Handy, because this way you don't have to enter the same information every time you visit Through these cookies, we also learn how visitors use our site, so that we can still make it user-friendly. In addition, we can use our cookies to show you relevant advertisements about Pluvo on third-party websites. Read more in us privacy policy.
You are not obliged to accept the cookies. Do you want us to stop collecting new information? Or do you want to delete the cookies completely? In the links below, you will find a step-by-step plan for each browser.