
Connect Pluvo to all your systems!

You can easily connect Pluvo to other applications. Using Zapier, you can connect Pluvo to more than 3,000 applications, but you can also use our API for a customised connection.

Pluvo is ontzettend makkelijk te koppelen met onder andere je intranet of AFAS.
Pluvo visual swoosh blue
Pluvo koppelen met Zapier visual

Connect to over 3,000 apps

With Zapier, you can connect Pluvo to more than 3,000 apps without programming. This includes web shops such as Shopify, mail tools such as Active Campaign and CRMs such as Pipedrive.

A customised link

Do you want to connect Pluvo to AFAS, Microsoft Dynamics or another platform? Or create a customised link? Then make use of our API. To do this, you need a Company subscription.

Pluvo koppelingen met systemen visual
Pluvo SSO koppelingen visual

Never remember your password again

Done with all those passwords you need to remember? You can also log in with Pluvo using Single Sign-On. This allows you to log in with your work email address and password. To do this, you need a Company subscription.

Connect with other apps

You can link other applications to Pluvo, allowing you to log directly into another application such as a forum from your Pluvo environment. This can also be done the other way around: think of a link from your intranet to Pluvo, so you don't have to log in extra.

Pluvo koppelingen met apps visual

The academy for your students and employees

Connect to your webshop, CRM or HR system
Share knowledge in your academy, completely in your own style
Integrate external e-learning & learning tools
Create beautiful teaching materials and challenging tests
Keep an overview of progress & progress
Pluvo visual stripes yellow

“In particular, it's the customer focus - thinking along, providing an overview, making things simple - that made choosing Pluvo easy”

Joan Hoexum

Vitality Solutions
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