Pluvo helps you create your own online academy with unforgettable learning experiences. There is a subscription for every type of organisation!
Start building your own academy.
Ideal for teams that want an impressive academy.
Really get the most out of your academy with Single Sign-on, API, Webhooks, or AFAS integration.
Really get the most out of your academy.
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All prices listed are excl. VAT.
Pluvo is responsive and works on all devices. So you can easily follow and edit training courses on your mobile, desktop, laptop or tablet.
Pluvo is in the cloud, so you don't have to maintain your own server park. Or something to install. We take care of maintenance, security and updates. A secure certified connection to our platform ensures that everyone can access their training information and courses anytime, anywhere.
Yes, all communication via and with Pluvo is securely encrypted via an SSL Certificate. In addition, audits are carried out annually to ensure the operation and safety of Pluvo. Pluvo is also ISO27001 certified.
No, there are none. You only pay for the subscription that you take out. So: no extra start-up costs or service costs!
That's you. All content you create within Pluvo remains yours. Pluvo offers the technology so that you can use your content the way you want.
During office hours from 9 to 5, you can reach us on the chat. Your subscription determines how quickly we respond to your question.
The number of users you purchase is the maximum number of people who can be in your academy at the same time. Have you reached your limit? Then you have to upgrade or remove someone.
When you subscribe to Pluvo, you can choose to pay by credit card or direct debit. We then debit the amount monthly for a monthly subscription or annually for an annual subscription, via the secure payment platform Stripe. We send an invoice every month and all payments can be found in the management environment.
Pluvo is a total solution for creating & managing an academy with online training and training participants. Pluvo includes many features, too many to mention here. Create an account and see for yourself what Pluvo can do for your organisation.
Yes, there are many options for customising the style. You can easily add colors, your company logo, fonts and visuals yourself. This is how you create learning experiences in your brand identity.
You can't sell courses directly in Pluvo, but you can connect your webshop to Pluvo using Zapier. This way, your customers get access to your e-learning immediately after purchase!