This is how you get your employees to learn!

HR/learning in organisations

The world is moving and developments are following each other at breakneck speed. How do you ensure that your employees want to keep up and keep learning? We give tips!

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The world is moving and developments are following each other at breakneck speed. How do you ensure that your employees want to keep up and keep learning? We give tips!

In a few weeks, flags will be waving flags with backpacks all over the Netherlands again. Who doesn't remember that delirious feeling after passing the final exam?! But now we know that once you have that coveted high school paper in your backpack, you're not there yet. In fact, that's when the real study begins.

Getting employees to learn? This is how you do it!

We don't want to discourage anyone, but the slogan “lifelong learning” is really no exaggeration. Technological and knowledge developments are following at such a rapid pace that you must ensure that you always stay up to date so as not to lose your career opportunities.

The good news is that while learning and studying are necessary, they can also be fun at the same time. As an employer, you can play a major role in this. We'd love to give you some tips.

1. Provide nice study facilities

Stay a long way ahead of competitors with smart, innovative employees. You get this by offering good, accessible study arrangements. Record everything clearly, but also be a bit flexible. Everything you invest, you get back twice and again.

With good study facilities, you will become an attractive employer for future applicants, you will bind current employees to your organisation in a positive way, and you will have the right knowledge and motivation. Need we say more?

A study scheme can be developed in various areas:

  • Money: reimburse all or part of the course, and let the percentage depend on the use for the organisation. Try that out of the box such as when you receive a request for compensation. If training is good for the employee's personal well-being, there may not be a direct functional link, but it may prevent absenteeism or even increase productivity.
  • time: study leave is not (yet) a legal right, but it is very important to stay in balance. If you offer your employees the opportunity to do all or part of their studies during working hours, this significantly lowers the threshold for studying. After all, there is less to juggle between private obligations, work and study pressure. That saves a lot of stress.
  • Material: a good laptop, handy study tools or being able to reserve a concentration room. These are all things that can make studying easier and more enjoyable.

2. Learning platform

Invest in a good learning platform! Once you have a handy and fun learning management system, a world opens up for you and your employees. Tailored learning programs that are completely in line with the person and the position: there are endless possibilities. And the progress and results are also easy to follow for managers and employees.

With the online learning platform Pluvo, you can start for free. Create an account and discover the benefits!

Start an employee's learning process as soon as you arrive by offering a good introduction program via your knowledge platform. Fill that with information about your organisation, an employee handbook, absenteeism regulations and a manual of the system that will be used.

In addition to all the practical information, it is a good idea to also add fun, warm accents to the range of knowledge.

A personal video message from the director, a nice impression of the last staff outing or a funny quiz: not only is it all possible, it also makes a learning platform a place where you, as an employee, would love to visit.

Do you need inspiration? Just browse around on the Pluvo blog, plenty of ideas!

Because every person is different and has different knowledge in their backpack, it is good to adjust the learning and career path accordingly. A learning platform adapts flexibly to personal wishes and possibilities.

3. Internal knowledge sessions

Everyone is an expert in their own field. But how good and fun is it to also share your professional knowledge with your colleagues?! What's easy for you can just give someone else new ideas.

That's why you see internal knowledge sessions occur in many organisations: an employee organises a workshop for colleagues about new developments, or just about basic knowledge that is useful to know.

Above all, such a knowledge session should not be too heavy and complicated, keep it light.

It should be fun and appealing to organis

e and go there. If it is difficult to match everyone's agenda and find a joint moment, a lunch and learn-session might be a good idea. While everyone eats their sandwich, knowledge is gained.

Don't forget to put the gems of these kinds of sessions online so that the knowledge remains available for later. Hang it directly into your online learning platform!

The great thing about internal knowledge sharing is that the topics usually perfectly meet the needs in daily practice. The information can often be applied immediately.

In addition, it gives enthusiastic employees a great moment in the spotlight. He or she gets the opportunity to share a successful project and to include others in developments. See it also as a wonderful basis for multidisciplinary cooperation.

You get to know your colleague as a professional and know better what you could ask them for if you run into something yourself.

Just a few ideas

If there is one thing that excites us at Pluvo, it is sharing knowledge. Without being immodest, we dare to say that we know a lot about it! So if you're looking for even more inspiration to get your employees excited about learning, you've come to the right place. So feel free to contact us or create your free Pluvo account right away.

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