PO council uses Pluvo for e-learning

Customer stories

“I experience Pluvo as an energetic and dynamic organisation with short lines of communication. In collaboration, we have developed an e-learning that perfectly matches our goals!”

Nick Verwaaij

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Nick Verwaaij, trainer at PO Council, says about Pluvo: “Pluvo is user-friendly & intuitive. In collaboration, we have developed an e-learning that perfectly matches our goals!”

Who is PO Council?

The PO Council is the sector organisation for primary education (PO). The association represents the common interests of school boards in primary education, special primary education and (secondary) special education.

Why e-learning?

Nick Verwaaij, trainer at PO Council, explains why they use e-learning:

“With an e-learning in Pluvo, we offer additional support to users of the Windows online program. The support is offered in a professional and appealing way and the program is very accessible. This helps the schools to set up their profiles. scholenopdekaart.nl to complete.”

In addition to the software, PO Council has purchased various Pluvo Services for rock-solid e-learning. PO Council plans to develop more e-learnings, including about the quality assurance cycle.

Why Pluvo?

“In addition to the fact that a product is a good fit for you, the organisation must also be a good fit for you. This is what we found at Pluvo!” says Nick.

“The program is user-friendly and intuitive. In addition, I experience Pluvo as an energetic and dynamic organisation with short lines of communication. In collaboration, we have developed an e-learning that perfectly matches our goals.”

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