A flipped classroom differs enormously from the traditional teaching idea that we review the theory together in the classroom. Of course, a flipped classroom literally means turning the classroom around. And that is exactly what it is. Other names that are often used but mean the same thing are:
For convenience, we'll stick to a flipped classroom for a while. Below is the definition:
One flipped classroom is a form of blended learning, which strives for the most active learning environment possible. The students prepare the lesson themselves in their own time, so that they can focus more on practical assignments during the classroom or synchronous learning form. This way, the learning experience will be more fun and interactive, so that better results will be achieved.
Not yet familiar with blended learning? Then it is wise to first read the following article about blended learning examples.
Ask yourself: how do you actually see classroom teaching? As a way of offering the subject matter? Or as a way to make deepening and application possible, as a supplement to the subject matter?
Unfortunately, over the past few years, going to a classroom lesson has not been the most common thing in the world. This is because these were often replaced by self-study, or by online lessons via Microsoft Teams, or another application. Of course, this isn't just a problem during this pandemic. It can also be due to illness. Or what if the car doesn't want to start? Anyway, it's annoying to miss a lesson. Most students immediately feel that they are a lot behind after missing one lesson.
The reason for this is often that teachers tend to share most of the information during his or her lessons. Although it is usually possible to review the PowerPoint presentation, there is no thread to it without context.
Wouldn't it be very useful if your students had already reviewed the course material when they walk into your lesson?
In this way, the classroom time can be used for deepening and applying. Much more valuable if you ask us! And this is exactly what a flipped classom looks like.
The technology is developing rapidly. This is causing changes in education. Traditional education was dominated by teachers. However, this idea is increasingly fading into the background. In contemporary education, the student is increasingly at the center. The way of teaching is adapted to the student.
After all, each student has their own learning style, preferences and frame of reference. The challenge of today's education is to ensure that education is attractive and accessible to everyone.
The flipped classroom principle conveniently addresses the diversity of students' preferences.
The students therefore receive the teaching materials in advance. This means you don't have to give a 'sermon' for as long during class - a negative name that students often give it themselves. In a 60-minute classroom lesson, you often spend 50 minutes talking. Students then have only 10 minutes to ask questions and, however, interact with the course material.
If students come to class well prepared, you, as a teacher, have more time to learn together. During a flipped classroom, creating an (inter) active learning environment is by far the most priority.
A big advantage of a flipped Classroom is that it also reverses the principle of homework. Students no longer have to struggle with homework alone. They listen to the teacher at home and do the corresponding exercises in the classroom, together with classmates.
Classmates are often present to ask questions or look for a solution together. The teacher is present in the classroom and facilitates this process.
During a flipped classroom, students are in charge of their own learning.
Because the lessons are made accessible online, students can prepare for the lesson at any time. One student often takes a little longer to understand the material than the other. In a flipped classroom, this is no problem!
If the student reviews the material himself, there is no time limit. What you often see in a classroom environment is that some students feel annoying while others feel lost.
You may already feel it coming... If the student is in control, the responsibility also lies with the student. It is his or her own choice whether or not to prepare the material. If someone chooses not to do this, they can contribute little to the classroom exercises.
But wait, you can do something about this!
Out research has been found that when people show more willingness for e-learning, they also become more satisfied and motivated with the concept of the flipped classroom! The study says the following about this.
“It is advisable to take measures towards motivation for e-learning and towards self-directed learning skills. This ensures more satisfaction and motivation towards the flipped classroom model.”
It is therefore scientifically supported that you should focus on increasing the motivation for e-learning among students! In addition, the concept is also “self-directed learning skills” mentioned. This is the process where students take the initiative themselves, with or without help. This initiative can be about:
To successfully implement a Flipped Classroom, there are a number of requirements that a computer or phone must meet. This cost is not attainable for everyone. So check carefully whether you and your students are a good fit for this technical way of teaching.
The concept of the flipped classroom can cause resistance. The traditional way of teaching is something that many have become accustomed to. Many teachers and the school board may even be attached to this method.
For their part, resistance sometimes occurs when modern methods, such as those of the flipped classroom, make their appearance.
Especially in the beginning, setting up a flipped Classroom takes a lot of time. After all, you have to make sure that alternatives are found for teaching materials that may not fit the concept of the flipped classroom. The biggest tip we can give you in this area is to thoroughly research the right one. blended learning software. With this software, you can create a well-organised online collection point for your teaching materials, so that your students can easily get along with it.
We hope this blog provides some food for thought. What do you think of the flipped Classroom? If you are enthusiastic and would like to discuss the possibilities of a flipped classroom for you, feel free to contact contact with us.
As an educational expert specialising in online learning, I have been writing blogs for Pluvo for 5 years. My focus is on powerful learning solutions for organisations. Universal Design for Learning and inclusive learning are my passion; I believe that education should be accessible and fun for everyone.
I've been combining my 35 years of HR experience with copywriting for over 15 years. And even then, I learn new things over and over again. That's what makes writing blogs for Pluvo so incredibly interesting!