Blended learning is ideal if you're already familiar with classroom, synchronous learning but are also considering using e-learning. A blended design is therefore the perfect mix between learning together within the classroom and independent learning outside the classroom. This mix offers you the opportunity to gradually switch to e-learning, without having to go all-the-way right away.
In this blog, we will share a number of blended learning examples gifts that inspire us enormously. To take full advantage of this, it is important that you first fully understand what exactly we mean by the term “blended learning”.
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Blended learning means “a mix of synchronous and asynchronous learning methods, with the aim of creating an effective learning environment for students.”
In education, a distinction is often made between two different forms of learning:
Both have advantages and disadvantages, so they reinforce each other. When you combine them, they bring out the best in each other. And that is exactly what happens with blended learning educational design. Moreover, blended learning is a perfect intermediate step for anyone who wants to switch to a digital form of teaching. This is because sometimes trainers or trainers are afraid that they will lose contact with their students as soon as they start using e-learning. In addition, many people have little confidence in their computer skills. By introducing blended learning, you can safely check whether these concerns are real. And actually detract from the learning efficiency that your students achieve. Or not ;-)
The effectiveness of blended learning has come out strongly in recent years. This is because blended learning has a number of positive effects on the learning process of participants or students. It's a missed opportunity if you 'the best of both worlds' wouldn't let them coalesce!
Not everyone likes to read a thick textbook endlessly. In that case, a video or a podcast can be a breath of fresh air and give you new energy to keep going! A multi-faceted learning path is always more interesting, isn't it?!
Everyone has a favorite way to learn, and it's different for many. As an educational expert, that is probably familiar to you. Blended learning gives students the opportunity to access teaching materials at any time, without a fixed time. Students can review the material beforehand and consult it again afterwards. This way, the time in the classroom is spent much more effectively.
Blended learning makes it easier to monitor students' learning. Here it is advisable to use the correct blended learning software to use. It provides insight into how students are doing and how active they are. In addition, blended learning offers the possibility to apply various methods of testing, such as a quiz or self-test. The trainer can change the course material in the meantime, for example if the statistics show that adjustments are necessary.
Are offline learning methods simply not possible due to COVID-19? Blended learning offers the solution! It offers endless possibilities and creative solutions, especially when there is no opportunity to teach offline. More and more trainers (forced) to implement more online interventions last year and we are lucky that this opportunity exists.
So plenty of reasons to discuss a number of accessible examples in this blog, so you can mixed learning can apply. In this way, online learning can be introduced in small, manageable steps.
The fact that it is good to take small steps is also reflected in another form of learning, namely microlearning.
Blended learning sounds like a new, hip concept. Of course, mixing different forms of learning may be completely new to you, but you may be using it more often than you think. Indeed, the situations below are already seen as examples of blended learning. It is purely about the student learning through synchronous learning interventions, alternating with asynchronous learning interventions.
Do students read an article via the internet before the start of a classroom meeting? Then the 'online' element has secretly crept in. Does one of the participants write a blog about a presentation you gave? Then this participant (perhaps unconsciously) has a blended learning technique applied.
The first example of applying blended learning relates to preparing lessons. Let your students prepare for your classroom lesson online (or vice versa, of course).
For example, a student can first take an online e-learning module that covers the theory before the classroom lesson on the subject takes place. In addition, the student can do other preparatory online activities, such as:
• read an article;
• watch a video;
• or do research online.
Knowledge from the online part is then translated into practical activities during the classroom part of the process. You may also recognise this principle as something that a flipped classroom is mentioned. Here, you ensure that your classroom lessons become more interactive by allowing your students to prepare for class at home. This way, you can pay more attention to interactive, practical assignments during the lesson itself.
For example, the student can read an article about conversation skills online and watch interview videos. In this case, the ideal is to put the knowledge gained into practice during the classroom lesson, for example by physically practicing having conversations.
Learn all about e-learning, download the free e-book “e-Learning Essentials”
The material that was covered in class is included in this combination of learning methods further explored online.
Students can do this online in the following ways:
• Further investigate the subject yourself;
• View video material;
• Take an online test;
• Read an article or blog about the topic.
In addition, for example, gamification serve as an appropriate (and fun) tool for testing and practicing knowledge in a virtual reality.
This learning mix regularly alternates online and offline forms and integrates both into the learning process. Here, it is not important to maintain a specific order. Below are a number of online applications that can be a perfect addition to an offline journey.
For example, online brainstorming can be a good application of blended learning. This is an excellent way to keep a finger on the pulse. This is how you discover how far along your students are, what questions are at play and what concepts they want to explore further. There are several online brainstorm tools available. The results clearly show the results of the brainstorming session and what you can do with them as a trainer, for example. A good way to incorporate into your learning mix so!
Using online quizzes is a useful tool for gauging progress in learning. There are already quizzes about many topics, but you can also easily develop a quiz yourself.
Setting up a Facebook group or other form of online community is an ideal way to continue connecting within the study group, even outside the classroom. Students can 'spar' about the course material, share interesting sources (videos, articles) and ask questions. This is an informal way for students to communicate with each other and with the trainer.
Writing a blog is an effective exercise for reflection in e-learning. Have the forms of learning achieved the desired effect? By means of a blog, students can reflect on what they have learned. The instructor can also summarise the learning material, look ahead, or encourage students to philosophise or read/work ahead.
After reading this blog, you may have become enthusiastic about getting started with a blended learning design. But how can you tackle this? For example, start with a to create an online course! And publish it via the appropriate blended learning software, like Pluvo.
Are you curious about implementing blended learning in your learning journey? Pluvo is happy to help you discover the possibilities!
As an educational expert specialising in online learning, I have been writing blogs for Pluvo for 5 years. My focus is on powerful learning solutions for organisations. Universal Design for Learning and inclusive learning are my passion; I believe that education should be accessible and fun for everyone.
I've been combining my 35 years of HR experience with copywriting for over 15 years. And even then, I learn new things over and over again. That's what makes writing blogs for Pluvo so incredibly interesting!