Conditions within your learning journeys & extensive certificates!

Pluvo updates

Conditions within learning journeys, extensive certificates and deadlines: the Pluvo development team has added a few great features, so that your e-learnings are even better!

Pluvo visual dots yellow
The Pluvo development team has added another few nice functionalities. Read what has changed below!

Trainings = learning journeys

Trainings and teaching modules. A lot of people got confused. So what's what and what's the difference?

After a lot of research and questioning (maybe you've had this question too), we've decided on a new name: learning journeys.

Within a learning line, you indicate when someone receives certain content. This involves what (which modules/materials), who (the participants) and when. That's actually exactly what we meant by training, but now with a more appropriate name!

Oh yes, an item within a learning line is now called a module group. This is because you are currently offering a group of (teaching) modules.

Examples of learning journeys. There are now 3 side by side instead of 2.

Offer modules based on completion of the course module

Speaking of those learning journeys. You can do a lot with that. Connect participants or groups, build blended courses with dates, or create entry-level courses where content is tailored to a student's start date.

What was not yet possible is to open module groups based on completing teaching modules. That is indeed in the past tense, because this is now possible. You can optionally base this on a student's score.

This includes:

  • Automatic sending of a certificate after completion of a lesson module with a score of 60%;
  • Offering additional material if a lesson module has been completed with a failure;
  • Opening lesson module B after lesson module A has been completed;
  • Make submission assignment only available 5 days after a lesson module has been completed;
  • A motivational video between the teaching modules.
  • Etc.

You can read more about this in this helpdesk article. Putting conditions on learning journeys is a Pro feature.

Example of completing the condition lesson module


No deadlines could be set within learning journeys. When modules were played open, they remained open.

You can now make sure that module groups are hidden or closed. For example, you can have something returned until a certain date, but you can also automatically hide a test after it has been completed.

You can read more about this here.

Certificate extension

Due to popular demand, we have expanded the certificates: you can now add additional information. This is printed on a second page (and possibly on a third or fourth page).

With this, you can:

  • Show lesson modules from a learning line;
  • Show scores;
  • Print the time spent per lesson module;
  • Add an extra description

You can read more about this in our helpdesk.

Zapier extension

Do you want to trigger very specific actions after a module group has been opened? Based on completion of the lesson module, date or entry, you can send a signal to Zapier. Zapier connects to 2,000+ applications, so the sky is the limit. A few examples of what you can do with this:

When a lesson module is completed, you can:

  1. Send email to your own or the user's email address.
  2. Subscribing a user to an mailing list
  3. Set user to inactive
  4. Remove the user from the learning line.
  5. Give user access to a new learning line.
  6. Sending yourself a slack message

You can read (you probably already guessed it) exactly how this works in the helpdesk.

Custom styling in management

In addition, we have made all kinds of minor adjustments, such as in management. You can also now see all training courses on the front page when you have the manager role. Find out for yourself!


Do you have ideas for Pluvo or do you want to know what we're working on? Then check out our roadmap and add your wishes!

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