E-learning marketing - this is how you get more participants for your online training!

Selling training

Marketing your e-learning is a great way to find more participants for your online training. Read how to market your training in the right way in this blog.

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 Marketing your e-learning is a great way to find more participants for your online training. Read how to market your training in the right way in this blog.

E-learning marketing: this is how you do it!

For hours, you've been perfecting your online training. You can be sure that your training is really valuable. Online, you announce that your training is ready to improve the lives of your participants! A post goes out on your company's Facebook account. You wait expectantly for a while. Unfortunately, you are surprised to see that the participants are not coming in yet.

What now? Maybe it needs a little more time?

But no. Nothing happens. You are losing all confidence. You're starting to doubt the content of your course. Something you were really enthusiastic about at first. You decide to stop teaching the course at all. Apparently, no one is waiting for it...

But wait! It's not about your course. Your course probably lacks the right one marketing techniques.

7 e-learning marketing tips for more participants

Tip 1. Make sure you have a good landing page

You have a clear goal in mind: Recruiting more participants for your online course.

This can take quite a bit of time and effort, but it's all worth it in the end. The most obvious step is to navigate your future attendees to your company website.

Also read about SEO and your online training: How is your online training better found in Google?

Once successful, you want them to sign up for your training. How to do this? With a landing page!

What is a landing page?

One landing page is a page on your website where your customers end up after they click on a certain link. In your case, this page contains information about your course.

Your landing page doesn't have to be perfect. However, we recommend that you go through the checklists below.

  1. Basic information.
  • What kind of training do you provide?
  • When does your course start?
  • Where will your course be taught?
  • Is it online, physical or blended?

huh blended learning? Learn more about this fantastic form of learning here!

  1. The benefits.
  • Why should someone take your course?
  • What are the learning goals of your course?
  1. Reviews.
  • Do you have reviews from previous course participants or customers?
  • Do you have reviews from previous students or customers of other purchased products?
  1. Call-To-Actions.
  • Add a clear button where someone can sign up.
  • Provide the button with clear language.
“Sign up here!”
  1. Structure.
  • Divide the text into short paragraphs that are about the same size.
  • Add subheadings to the paragraphs. This allows participants to scan better.
  1. Contact.
  • Where can someone go with questions?
  • How can you be reached yourself?
  • If necessary: an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)!

Tip: Use the 6 Cialdini's principles for writing texts for your landing page!

Tip 2: Give participants a sneak preview

You can trainees show a small part of your course in advance. Think of a microlearning or a short video. Such a video can present part of your course in terms of content, but...

How cool would it be if you included a marketing video to promote your course?

Read here how to make fantastic create videos for your e-learning marketing.

This is how you ensure that there are more potential participants get curious! As a result, they are more likely to register.

Tip 3: Reach your participants online

One thing is certain: Your participants are on social media!

Do you know someone who doesn't use social media these days? Exactly, most people are spending more and more time here. So chances are that your future participants can also be found here! Nevertheless, your posts are getting less organic reach today. This means that it doesn't pay much if you don't use paid advertising. With a small investment, you can reach a very precise target group.

Most people choose to advertise via LinkedIn. This platform is simply more business. However, this costs a lot of money. But maybe your students can be found on Facebook. Or you might want to consider advertising on other platforms. What do you think about Instagram? Or Pinterest?

Tip 4. Use AdWords like a real marketer!

If you have a bit more budget, you should consider advertising via Google. Here, you pay each time your ad is clicked. If you choose your keywords very precisely, you only pay for people who search for them and click on your link. When it comes to keywords, you can think of: 'Amsterdam barista course'.

Tip 5: Remove participants from your network

Do you open emails from acquaintances? Probably! And a newsletter? Probably much less frequently.

Many companies use newsletters to sell their product, but a personal email sometimes works much better. Send an email to friends in your network. You could also email your former students. They may also be interested in your new course!

Tip 6: Collaborate with a platform or partner

Promote your online course on a platform that is relevant to your sector! Or find a partner that has a similar target group but offers a different product. This way, you can promote each other's products on your websites.

Together, you are stronger!

Tip 7: Deploy your current participants

“Bring a friend and get a 5 euro discount”.

You've probably come across such commercials before. Where you get a gift when you introduce a new customer. Why not use this for your training yourself?

For example, a 10% discount on a subsequent course. If it's anything, encouraging them to recommend your course to friends. Nothing is stronger than word of mouth. And every marketer will confirm that. Take advantage of it!

Keep hoping! With these tips, potential participants really won't be able to resist your course.

Bonus tip: Let your participants know you're keeping up with the times! To do this, refer to the 7 e-learning trends of 2021.

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