How do you work digitally on your personal development?

HR/learning in organisations

Personal development also means trying to get the most out of yourself and life. But how do you help yourself and others digitally with self-development? We give tips!

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Personal development also means trying to get the most out of yourself and life. But how do you help yourself and others digitally with self-development? We give tips!

Fortunately, personal development is something that people are increasingly aware of. Within companies and organisations, training courses have already been organised more and more to support employees in their process of personal growth.

As an entrepreneur, coach or trainer, it is very wise to respond to this need for knowledge. Many self-employed people have an enormous amount of knowledge and it would be a shame if they did not make this knowledge available to a larger audience. But what about that, if you are no longer welcome on location? Right, online! There are so many options. Think of giving a webinar or launching an online program...

In this blog, we introduce the online menu and give you useful tips. This way, you will get acquainted with all kinds of digital tools that you can use for personal growth. You can use this to boost your own personal development. But you can also use them to guide others during their personal development process.

But first: what exactly is personal development?

Personal development is the process in which someone becomes increasingly aware of their own identity and skills, and thereby works to achieve personal goals, dreams and aspirations. This aims to optimise the quality of life.

Your personal development can be about your personal life, but also about your business life. In this blog, for example, read more about your professional development.

Personal development and social distancing? No problem at all!

The saying “you're never too old to learn” has never been more applicable than it has been in the past few decades. There is no question of falling asleep for a while. And for good reason, because after all, that spot behind the geraniums is still a long way away - we can go on and on!

In addition, it is very beneficial to your mental health if you wear it throughout your life self-development does! From scientific research it appears that learning new things ensures that you keep stimulating your brain to make new connections. And that ultimately ensures, among other things, that you grow old less quickly and that you feel happier!

Despite the corona pandemic, we can keep learning, because technological developments are really going at a rapid pace. And that is very advantageous, because they ensure that courses and training courses are easily accessible online. Developing yourself without having to sit down to school, so how easy is that?

We've been talking about webinars and online programs for a while, but the digital menu offers many more flavors. In this blog, we give you a little glimpse into the kitchen.

4 ways to work on your personal growth digitally

1. An online program

For entrepreneurs who want to guide others in their personal development process, offering an online program can be very beneficial.

You may be thinking: what is an online program?

One online program is a digital way of transferring knowledge. It is also known as an e-learning, online training, or online course.

You invest in creating the online program and purchasing an online academy, which you can use to offer the online program. Then students around the world can enroll and there is a constant stream of income, without you having to do much work yourself.

Going through an online program is the perfect solution for someone who loves independence. After all, you are not bound to place or time. In addition, someone can decide at what pace or level they learn. Does this sound a bit too casual? Then offer e-learning courses to your students with a tighter time slot, so that the student has a stick behind the door to win that coveted certificate.

In addition, you can also build in interim deadlines so that the momentum stays on track. And that is exactly the advantage of digital education: you can (have) all kinds of knobs turned, so that the training or course offered exactly matches the student's educational needs.

Another advantage of online knowledge transfer: you can make it much more attractive than the old-fashioned textbooks in the dusty classrooms of the past. Alternate theory with practical assignments and fun surprise elements, for example. The occasional funny quiz or podcast about what has just been learned immediately wakes the student up and stimulates motivation.

When it comes to personal development, a number of things are essential, including interaction and self-reflection. After all, real personal growth only takes place when the student is challenged to involve the theory on their own. Fortunately, e-learning offers many opportunities to introspection to integrate. Therefore, if you choose to launch an online program, we recommend that you delve into it.

2. Online mentor

You know him: that white raven among colleagues, someone with a lot of flying hours and therefore a mountain of knowledge and practical experience. The perfect mentor for new employees, or colleagues who could use some extra guidance.

Perhaps you yourself act as a mentor, within your profession. With a lot of expertise under your belt, it's not surprising if you're often the permanent point of contact for beginners. For example, do you know a lot about the right attitude to work, time management or interviewing? Or can you give someone a clear answer to the more business questions? Then you can use yourself as an online mentor.

Set up an online monitoring system where the participant (mentee) learns from their mentor (you!). Organise 1:1 coaching sessions and discuss what someone is up against in their personal (or professional) development process. Remember, as a mentor, you have to take the time you need. You can't 'just' do this on the side, somewhere in a lost hour. Such a session must be scheduled structurally.

Do you plan to integrate this within an organisation? Then see it as a real investment in the organisation and in your employees. When you appoint someone within your organisation as an online mentor, it is often extra motivating to give someone an extra allowance for this. Or by providing someone with a laptop or phone, for example, so that someone immediately gets a more formal status.

And don't forget: of course, appoint an online mentor who is willing to help the other person.

The following applies: There are no stupid questions, and mistakes can be made!

This applies live, but also online. This gives you an informal way of transferring knowledge that can give team spirit a nice boost.

In addition, a private chat group is also experienced as very safe and accessible. Here, all kinds of useful information can be shared, and you can jointly save about business cases. This way, your students can learn from each other and reflect on each other's process of personal growth.

3. Online academy

A user-friendly online academy is indispensable if you want to transfer knowledge in a good way, which contributes to someone personal development. You can also see it as an online meeting place, where all students gather to learn. On this platform, as an entrepreneur, you can share your expertise with others, in an infinite number of ways. For example, do you have templates, PDFs, inspiring videos, podcasts or assignments ready? Then you can store them all in your own online academy.

Here you can publish your online programs, invite the right group of students, and have a certificate automatically sent to students who have successfully completed the e-learning. You may want to automatically schedule an online coaching session with them afterwards, so that you can fulfill your role as an online mentor immediately!

Think of it as the bookshelf, where all books full of knowledge are stored. Your students can unpack them themselves, whenever they want.

Our tip is: provide an accessible, attractive introduction to your online academy. Don't build a castle in the air with pompous words. But make sure it's a place where students or customers like to log in. Also, encourage your students to interact with each other. Let them introduce themselves to each other and make it attractive to visit the platform. All the greater the chance that someone will also bring “bycatch”, which they didn't actually come for.

Are you getting a taste of it yet?

Pluvo is an online academy that is often used to build online solutions for personal development and knowledge transfer. This is because we have developed all kinds of smart tools that are perfect for this. Have a look, or contact us.

Do you already have an online program? But are you still not quite working out? training to sell? A shame! We are also happy to help you with some tips for this.
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