Privacy Company and Pluvo join forces

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Pluvo and Privacy Company are going to join forces and help organisations increase privacy awareness among employees in an effective and fun way!

Anne-Martine Koetsier

Privacy Company
Pluvo visual dots yellow
Pluvo and Privacy Company will join forces and help organisations increase privacy awareness among employees in an effective and fun way.

Privacy legislation (the AVG) requires companies and organisations to teach their employees how to handle personal data carefully. In practice, this is often a challenge. By using e-learning, it is possible to let employees learn at a time of their own choosing and at their own pace.

Through AVG expertise from Privacy Company By combining with Pluvo, we can offer organisations an effective and easy solution to increase the privacy awareness of their employees.

Privacy Company's e-learning modules have been developed by privacy experts and provide the practical knowledge and skills needed to understand and apply privacy legislation, the General Data Protection Regulation. With the Pluvo platform, organisations can offer their employees easy access to these modules and provide insight into AVG compliance.

Anne Martine Koetsier, trainer and advisor at Privacy Company:

“We are very excited about this collaboration and are convinced that we can help organisations — even better — to increase their privacy awareness and better protect the personal data of their customers and employees.”

Henny, commercial director of Pluvo, about the collaboration:

“In the digital world we live in today, protecting personal data and privacy is of global importance. It is not without reason that one of Pluvo's main pillars is protecting personal data and offering users a safe online learning environment. We are therefore very happy with this partnership with Privacy Company, so that we can contribute to a safer (online) world.”

If you want to know more about these e-learning modules or Privacy Company, feel free to contact us via chat or mail to

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