Thuisvaccinatie about Pluvo

Customer stories

“Thanks to Pluvo, continuing training for doctors is suddenly a lot more attractive! Pluvo also offers an easily accessible service, is easy to use and has a very nice layout!”

Leanne Rasing & Niek Stoop

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Thuisvaccinatie about Pluvo: “Thanks to Pluvo, continuing training for doctors is suddenly a lot more attractive! How easy it suddenly becomes to get doctors to learn. Pluvo also offers an easily accessible service, is easy to use and has a very nice layout! ”

What is Thuisvaccinatie?

Thuisvaccinatie is the largest organisation in the Netherlands for travel vaccinations at home.

The expert doctors at Thuisvaccinatie come by appointment, including in the evening, at the weekend or at the office. For example, it is no longer necessary to schedule an on-site appointment with your doctor or the GGD for the necessary vaccinations before you travel. Thuisvaccinatie has a network of doctors across the country, so it's available to everyone.

Thuisvaccinatie & Pluvo

When doctors start working at Thuisvaccinatie, they first follow internal training, so they are completely up to date with the latest vaccination developments & LCR guidelines. Part of the course is now taught in Pluvo, so they can prepare well online for the two mandatory course days. A wonderful way of digital onboarding. Information can also be easily read online. The basic course is then concluded with a test in Pluvo.

Leanne Rasing & Niek Stoop both organise the internal training.

They say about Pluvo

“We really like Pluvo and making an e-learning course is really fun. Thanks to Pluvo, continuing training for doctors is suddenly a lot more attractive! How easy it suddenly becomes to get doctors to learn. Pluvo also offers an easily accessible service, is easy to use and has a very nice layout!”
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