Invest in up- and reskilling for sustainable success

HR/learning in organisations

Retraining and upskilling employees is not only important to stay ahead of competitors. There are even more reasons to reserve an adequate training budget again next year.

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Retraining and upskilling employees is not only important to stay ahead of competitors. There are even more reasons to reserve an adequate training budget again next year.

The society around us is changing rapidly, very quickly. Just think: two years ago, no one had heard of Chat GPT and Artificial Intelligence was something you only found in creepy sci-fi movies. Nowadays, almost no student writes their essay without chatbot support and business processes are only changed if they are first vetted from front to back with artificial simulations. If, so to speak, you had taken a year-long cruise and were now stepping ashore blankly, you would have literally missed the boat and didn't know what happened to you.

And the end of these developments is not yet in sight, if the experts are to be believed. We therefore hope that you will have put enough money back into your training piggy bank before 2024. Otherwise, your employees, and therefore also the organisation, will soon be at a loss for their hands.

There are different ways to keep up. For example, you have refresher courses, referred to with a trendy term as “upskilling” and retraining, or “reskilling”.

Upskilling improves the skills you actually already had. Or you can take a fairly logical next step on previously learned knowledge and skills in your field.
If you focus on reskilling, you will learn very new knowledge and skills, usually in a different direction than the one in which you were already working. This may be because you want to make a career change, but also because your position has changed or broadened a lot in terms of content.

Why is it smart as an employer to invest in upskilling and reskilling your employees? Isn't it really someone's responsibility to keep up? Of course, you can expect enough drive from employees to ensure that they do their job well. But there are also important reasons for employers to generously facilitate training:

1. It works wonders for your employer branding

As many as 94% of workers say they would like to continue working for their employer if they are willing to invest in maintaining and expanding their knowledge and skills.

Not only because developments are moving so fast that it is necessary to always stay up to date. With the ever-changing retirement age, employees also find it important to remain sustainably employable and to ensure their value in the labor market with up-to-date knowledge. In addition, employees in a company with sufficient training opportunities feel seen and valued by their employer.

2. You set the course yourself

When putting together the training offer, be primarily inspired by the company vision and business strategy. What do you want to focus on within the organisation, in the short and long term? If you have a clear picture of this, this can form an important basis for the training menu.

Then you can be sure that everyone has the knowledge and skills that the organisation really needs.

3. Employees perform better

With the latest knowledge and insights, you give your employees important tools. It enables them to make the right assessment when carrying out their daily work. They will perform better qualitatively and quantitatively.

That makes everyone happy: the employee himself, the customer and the organisation.

4. It increases the resilience of your organisation

When employees are better educated, they are able to grow with the organisation. If the market asks for other products or services, it is easier for employees to comply.

Not only do they see new trends coming sooner, but they also know how to respond to them.

5. Making the most of your internal talent pool

How nice is it if you don't have to go out immediately to recruit when a vacancy arises? When you know that there are probably one or more talented applicants who are not only familiar with the organisation but also have their loyalty there? By offering the right training on time, you can ensure that you really make use of the talent you already have.

This not only saves you, as an employer, a lot of recruitment and selection costs. Such an internal growth opportunity is also very interesting for employees!

No tight corset, but tailored flexibility
Of course, training is mainly about customisation. After all, everyone has their own background when it comes to education, work experience and personality. In addition, each employee has their own favorite way of studying. Therefore, do not make sure you have a tight corset, but an attractive menu, from which everyone can make their own choice when it comes to, for example:

  • Online study, in class or hybrid?
  • Should the focus be on soft skills or hard skills?
  • Theoretical knowledge, on the job or a combination of both?
  • Time to study: during the day, between work, or at night?
  • Level and duration of study

By combining an online knowledge platform with an 'old-school' training department where you can learn on location, you create a learning environment that is as flexible as possible. How to arrange and organise this smartly? Feel free to contact us, because we can tell you all about that!

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