E-learning makes compliance training easy


It starts with our mindset about how we think about compliance training. What forms of compliance training are available? What can they bring us as a company?

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It starts with our mindset about how we think about compliance training. What forms of compliance training are available? What can they bring us as a company?

We're all familiar with it: the mandatory training courses that our employer “lets us do” to make sure that we, as an organisation, comply with all laws and regulations. Most of the time, these workouts are boring, very theoretical, and take an indefinitely long time (at least, that's what it feels like).

But, can it also be done differently?


It starts with our mindset about how we think about compliance training. “Does our employer let us do this?” or can we also see opportunities for growth as an employee of a company? What forms of compliance training are available? How do they work? What can they bring us as a company? And what important role does e-learning play in this? We answer all these questions in this blog.

What is compliance training and why is it important?

Compliance training contributes to developing and ensuring a safe and ethical workplace. Compliance training programs can include cybersecurity, ergonomic working and government regulations, for example.

Compliance training is important to ensure the values and standards of the company or organisation and to ensure that all employees are aware of and comply with all laws and regulations.

What are the benefits of compliance training?

1. Productivity

When employees have to take the time to find the solution to a problem they didn't learn during compliance training, employee and company productivity suffers.

Good compliance training saves time and money in the long run.

2. Morals

Of course, if an organisation is in the news because employees are being harassed or the government imposes sanctions for poor compliance practices, this does not contribute to the motivation to appear “ready to go” at work every day. Compliance training ensures that everyone is on the same page and prevents incidents that can negatively affect employee morale.

It also sends an important message to employees that the company takes certain things (such as employee safety) seriously.

3. Recruitment

Well-run organisations that follow the law and don't make headlines for the wrong reasons are more likely to attract talent.

Companies with solid training programs (compliance and others) are attractive to today's employees.

4. Fewer incidents

Good training ensures consistency among employees in what they know and how they respond to a compliance situation. This results in fewer compliance incidents that need to be addressed, which is at the same time more efficient for the company and gives confidence to employees who know how to tackle whatever comes their way.

How do you make compliance training more fun and easier with e-learning?

E-learning offers organisations the opportunity to really go “next level” in offering compliance training. Why?

  • Not only will it be much more accessible to employees (because everyone can follow it online), but
  • it also offers objective statistics 
  • and research shows that a much higher percentage of employees actually follow the compliance training if it is through an interesting and attractive e-learning is offered that is recommended by colleagues and managers.

How do we optimise compliance training with e-learning?

Make it accessible and varied for everyone

Some people like to read, others prefer to listen. The more options you give employees to follow compliance training in an accessible and enjoyable way, the greater the “uptake”. E-learning makes this possible!

Make it interactive

In addition to offering various types of content, it's crucial to create an interactive learning experience. Many organisations use gamification to develop an attractive compliance training program. With a “choose-your-own-adventure” scenario, for example, employees discover the consequences of their actions themselves through compelling digital storylines. Interactive quizzes and exercises also invite employees to actively participate in the training program by applying their new knowledge.

In this way, new concepts are repeated, making it more likely that the information from the training will be remembered.

Connect to daily work practice

The more the student can relate to what they have learned, the greater the chance that learning will be meaningful to them. How do the teaching materials relate to their daily lives? To their daily work practice? What will this e-learning offer the student in concrete terms? Why should they invest time and energy in this? Make this as clear as possible from the start and make this connection wherever you can. Virtual Reality can play an important role in this.

Pluvo offers an ideal platform for compliance training. Adding learning material in various formats, creating a digital and interactive library with all the important information, interaction, and gamification: Pluvo has it all! Do you want to know more about how you can use Pluvo to make compliance training much more fun and easier within your organisation? Contact us via chat!

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