5 e-learning trends you don't want to miss in 2022!


What are the most important e-learning trends for 2022? In this blog, you'll find the latest developments in the online learning world that you don't want to miss!

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What are the most important e-learning trends for 2022? You can read it in this blog! Human-centered instructional design | AR, VR, & MR | Mobile first learning | Microlearning | Social learning

Every year, we share a blog that looks ahead to the e-learning trends of the coming year. So again this year!

Where last year, around this time, we thought that the COVID crisis should be almost over by now, nothing could be further from the truth. It is now early 2022 and we are already in lockdown.

This means that organizations and entrepreneurs need to re-evaluate how they offer professional development activities to their employees and customers in 2022.

Over the past 2 years, e-learning has developed faster than ever.

Because we were all forced to learn and work online, these rapid developments were also very much needed.

The trends we discuss in this blog show what lessons we've learned that remain important in e-learning - pandemic or not. Take advantage of it!

Trend 1: Human-centered instructional design

Human-centered instructional design is a process that starts with the people for whom you design your e-learning and ends with an e-learning that is tailored to meet the specific needs of your target group.

With human-centered design, a deep empathy with the people you design for is key. Then you will continue to generate ideas; develop prototypes; and finally, of course, test and share your innovation e-learning.

If you develop your e-learning with a focus on your target group and include them in the development process, it is much more likely that your e-learning exactly meets the needs of your student, the engagement is much higher and the learning outcome is therefore much better and longer lasting.

Trend 2: Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR)

Many people are visually oriented when they learn. They like to see things in front of them instead of just reading about them. Here, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality are interesting approaches to create an 'immersive' learning experience.  

Through these techniques, organizations can combine a mix of real and virtual worlds to show the student how things work in daily work practice. It can be expensive to add Artificial Intelligence to e-learning, but fortunately, more and more tools are coming onto the market that reduce these costs.

A few of the benefits of using AR, VR and AI (Artificial Intelligence) in e-learning at a glance:

  • Provide an active learning experience instead of just passively receiving information
  • Helps to understand complex concepts, topics, or theories
  • Increases students' creativity
  • Increases interest in “dull/dryer” topics
  • Improves students' level of understanding
  • Improves information retention by connecting feelings to what has been learned
  • It takes the student relatively little time to understand highly complex topics
  • Students experience more (learning) fun
  • Ideal for applying gamification
  • Contributes to students' imagination

Trend 3: Mobile First Learning

We see that students are becoming increasingly flexible in learning. They learn on the train, while gardening, in the bath, or while running.

That is why e-learning professionals and developers have the task of making the teaching material “Mobile First”. So accessible, at any time, from any device.

This leads us to the following trend:

Trend 4: Microlearning

Microlearning consists of small, manageable pieces of information that are aimed at achieving a certain learning goal. Often, these pieces of information are cast in an attractive media format such as a podcast, gifs, videos, quizzes, etc.

As a result, the information is easily and quickly accessible from various devices such as a laptop, tablet and phone and can be learned in the blink of an eye and in just a few minutes.

The idea behind the small, manageable pieces of information is that repetition leads to retention. Because the information is presented to the student in various attractive ways, it is more likely that what has been learned will actually stick.

In addition, an average learning time of 3-5 minutes is a lot more attractive for the busy employee than spending hours at school or with your nose in the books.

Getting started with microlearning and e-learning? Create a free Pluvo account!

Trend 5: Social Learning

Social Learning is learning from and with each other. Social Learning takes place both offline and online - especially in these times, feeling connected with colleagues and fellow students is essential.

For example, you could consider discussing the course material in Pluvo posting interesting links or videos in (Facebook) communities, or sharing ideas on Pinterest.

Social e-Learning has many benefits for organizations. It offers more options than the standard 'course' in which only a select group participates. By combining e-learning and social learning, endless opportunities are created for offering learning opportunities for employees.

These are the 5 trends “to look out for” in 2022. We are very curious what trends you/you will be working on. Pluvo is the ideal platform for applying these trends.

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