Developing effective e-learning with microlearning


Microlearning makes learning more efficient, engaging and personal. It reduces the barrier to learning and makes it easily accessible to everyone.

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Microlearning makes learning more efficient, engaging and personal. It reduces the barrier to learning and makes it easily accessible to everyone.

What is microlearning?

Microlearning consists of small, manageable pieces of information that are aimed at achieving a certain learning goal. Often, these pieces of information are cast in an attractive media format such as a podcast, gifs, videos, quizzes etc. As a result, the information is easily and quickly accessible from various devices such as a laptop, tablet and phone and can be accessed in the blink of an eye and be learned in just a few minutes.

Why those small, manageable pieces?

The secret behind microlearning lies in rerun. Because information is presented in various attractive ways, more likely that the subject matter will stick. In addition, a 3-5 minute learning period is much more attractive for busy professionals than long study or training sessions.

The benefits of Microlearning

Microlearning, where teaching materials are divided into small, bite-sized pieces, is rapidly gaining ground. Studies show that microlearning leads to better learning outcomes than traditional learning methods. It also ties in with how we use social media today, making it feel more natural (fast, active, varied, visually appealing). A study at the University of Dresden found that students who were offered teaching materials via microlearning ask answered 28% faster and got 20% better results compared to a control group in traditional education.

The power of short content

Microlearning includes videos, audio clips, or texts that are no longer than 5 minutes long. This makes it ideal for “Mobile First” learning and requires far less bandwidth than long videos. Microlearning suits every learning style because students can choose what information they need at that moment and that matches their interests and learning style.

Why is Pluvo ideal for microlearning?

Pluvo isn't just a learning platform; it's designed with microlearning in mind. Let's take a look at some of Pluvo's specific features that make it ideal for implementing an effective microlearning program.

1. Easily add videos, downloads, presentations, and articles

With Pluvo, uploading teaching materials a piece of cake. Whether you want to add videos, downloads, presentations, articles, or podcasts, Pluvo makes the process effortless.

In addition, you can easily add a description to the course material. These summaries are directly visible below, for example, the video, making the context clearer for the students.

2. Self-assessment — simple knowledge testing
Pluvo offers multiple ways to to test students' knowledge. Examples include short quizzes with multiple choice questions, mix & match questions and categorising information (what goes where?). This makes testing knowledge much more accessible and less stressful than traditional exams.

3. Interactive
Another powerful aspect of Pluvo is the built-in chat function.

This enables students to at any time connecting with their peers or teachers. Not only does it promote engagement, but it is also an accessible way to discuss teaching materials.

For example, students can discuss a video they've just watched or talk about a news item related to the microlearning topic.

4. Library

Pluvo offers a library function where all relevant information can be stored in the e-learning module.

This ensures that students have easy access to all information from the module at any time. The search function also makes it easy to find specific information and access it at any time.

Microlearning in action

Does microlearning appeal to you, and are you curious about how you could use it for your organisation? Here are some practical examples of how microlearning can be applied across sectors:

1. Business training
In the business world, employees can be quickly retrained with microlearning modules that are specifically focused on their job.

Short videos about new procedures, product information quizzes, and self-assessments to test product knowledge can significantly improve employee productivity and knowledge.

2. Education
In education, teachers can use microlearning to make complex topics more accessible.

Short video lessons on mathematical concepts, interactive quizzes on history topics, and podcasts about literary analysis can help students better understand and remember the information.

3. Health care
In healthcare, doctors and nurses can quickly access new medical information and procedures via microlearning.

Short, informative videos about new treatment guidelines, quizzes to update medical knowledge, and interactive case studies can improve the quality of patient care.

4. Informal learning
Microlearning is also a perfect fit for informal learning.

Through social media, users can share short videos, infographics, or quizzes to teach others about their passions or areas of expertise. This encourages knowledge sharing and informal learning within online communities.

In short: microlearning is the future of learning. It makes learning more efficient, engaging and personal. It reduces the barrier to learning and makes it easily accessible to everyone, regardless of their busy schedules. If you're interested in how to implement microlearning in your organisation, don't hesitate to contacting us via chat!

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