Now all children in the Netherlands walk with insect plaques on their arms; tomorrow, their mothers will save tiny stamps that can be used to scrape together a Special Tableware. While saving and sticking, we all remain loyal customers of that one retail chain, and that was exactly what it was about.
But what about your employees? Are you already pulling out all the stops so that your employees stay loyal to you? If not, it's probably a good idea to have a employer branding strategy to develop and implement.
Have you heard of employer branding? Not yet? Then here is the definition!
Employer branding refers to how you market your company or organisation. And not for potential customers, but for potential employees!
At the moment, a lot of money is being invested in recruiting new employees. Flashy media campaigns, job markets, full-page ads, it's impossible. We're really seriously thinking about onboarding to allow the fresh employee to settle down properly. Very smart with the current labor market, where applicants have to be looked for with a magnifying glass.
But watch out that you don't put all your energy into letting in new forces, while the employees already present drop out unnoticed. Just come up with interesting savings stamps to make the well-trained, experienced staff a fan of your company and let them stay. Because that's where the real basis of a rock-solid one lies. employer branding!
In this blog, we'll discuss our employer branding roadmap, a strategy for attracting and retaining employees.
The step-by-step plan for every employer branding strategy starts with one thing very simply: attention. Let's call it vitamin A. For example, a sincere conversation about how someone is doing is more than a few tens on top of their salary. So human attention. If there is enough of that in your company, you are already a long way.
It is important, however, that those shots with vitamin A should be administered regularly and in large doses. Namely, not only upon arrival, but also during employment and at the exit.
So that first check mark is actually not that exciting. After all, applicants are now being brought in, cuddled and informed again with the trumpet. The trick is to also pay attention to the people who ensure that you can run your business in the other two phases of employment. Make your company so great that they won't even think about applying elsewhere.
During employment, it is important to take time to get to know your employee. It sounds obvious, but it gets too busy because of the issues of the day. Do it anyway: having a regular cup of coffee with an employee for half an hour is often enough and brings you a lot.
When you enter into the conversation with attention and trust, you know what moves, motivates and makes the other person happy.
An excellent basis for a long and good career within the company. The employee feels heard and seen. In fact, he is heard and seen.
From time to time, do something extra for your employees to show that you really appreciate and see them. That only reinforces your employer branding strategy.
Below are some typical employer branding examples, who will always be appreciated:
Really, it doesn't have to be that big and compelling. As long as it has a positive surprise effect.
It does wonders for the work environment and loyalty. These kinds of gems are discussed at a networking drink, or pop by spontaneously cheering on Facebook. Employer branding of the highest order!
The fact that the employee has been employed for a while does not mean that you can let go of the ropes. Not exactly! Make sure that the work is and remains interesting. And facilitate that. Think along with your employee about career opportunities and training needs.
This can be a few years of training, but also a online e-learning can work very well and can be deployed flexibly. Feel free to go outside the professional framework as well. A mindfulness or personal effectiveness course can give an employee just that little push to stay better balanced and make the right choices.
Also, don't forget to invest in a good workplace: good furniture, the right light and a quiet work environment are excellent absenteeism reducers.
Read here how you can invest in the right workplace as a hybrid working is the norm.
Step four involves a personal approach. Pay attention to the phase of life your employee is in. A young family requires attention at different times than the standard nine-to-five pattern. An informal carer sometimes has to be able to accompany a loved one to the hospital on an ad hoc basis or may need a breather. And someone who has just been unable to work for a long time may need more time to get started.
Make it negotiable and bow along a bit, that will pay off later. Of course, you don't have to be as flexible as Barbapapa; we're still talking about an employment relationship. If you make agreements, you can expect the other person to fulfill them as well.
Should it come to the point where employees leave, don't see the exit interview as too little too late. If you have a good and professional conversation with your departing employee, you often get a wealth of information in return.
Apart from unprocessed old pain that nobody can do anything with anymore, frustrations, criticism and questions can come to the table in an open atmosphere and be converted into learning points for the organisation. Also, see an exit interview as an opportunity to say goodbye to each other in a dignified way. Top it off with flowers and a warm dinner with colleagues so that someone leaves the building feeling good.
Lake offboarding tips you can read it here!
In short: with sufficient vitamin A, your employees become more productive, more creative and, above all, enthusiastic about their work. By following this step-by-step plan, an organisation that is brimming with job satisfaction will almost automatically be created. An organisation where employees go to energy-rich every day. And where there is no shortage of new employees anymore.
Learn more about social media & employer branding? Then continue reading here.
As an educational expert specialising in online learning, I have been writing blogs for Pluvo for 5 years. My focus is on powerful learning solutions for organisations. Universal Design for Learning and inclusive learning are my passion; I believe that education should be accessible and fun for everyone.
I've been combining my 35 years of HR experience with copywriting for over 15 years. And even then, I learn new things over and over again. That's what makes writing blogs for Pluvo so incredibly interesting!