Strong employer branding through social media?!

HR/learning in organisations

Use social media to firmly establish your employer branding. Social media has an enormous reach and is therefore perfect for attracting your future employee!

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Social media is more than just cat pictures and selfies. Use it to strengthen your employer branding and attract future employees. Check out our tips for doing it right!

Social media is really more than just a distribution point for cat pictures and blurry selfies. Use them to firmly establish your employer branding. Social media has an enormous reach. So a great channel to attract your future employee! We have tips on how to do this conveniently.

Social media and employer branding

As an employer, you can attend any job fair that is organised there. Flyer until you weigh one ounce. Or advertise in every regional newspaper. But nowhere else will you get such a wide reach as cheaply as via social media.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn: they are all channels that appear seemingly effortlessly on the screens of thousands of potential candidates. So it's an ideal way to put your employer branding on the map. But then you have to do it right! Of course, we are happy to help you get started.

Tip 1: Create a Persona

Do you have a clear picture of your ideal customer? Or, when it comes to filling a vacancy, do you know what your dream candidate looks like? To get a good idea of this, it helps to have a persona to create: you invent a 'real' person who represents the person you want to reach.

How to create such a persona? It's actually a matter of sitting down with a blank sheet in front of you.

Close your eyes and try to take a picture of the ideal customer or applicant. Give him or her a name. What is the course, where does he/she live? What is the date of birth and family situation? Does your person have any hobbies?

And, here's the point for our theme, which social media is your applicant on? Based on your persona's data, research the most popular platforms.

And then focus on those channels for your recruitment. You can even find out the days and times they're most online for each target group. There is plenty of data about social media use, both paid and free. Take advantage of that!

Tip 2: Give your employees a stage

In fact, an applicant is not really waiting for a slick story from an employer.

He wants to know what it's really like to work at your organisation. What does it feel like, what talks are being made at the coffee machine, are the staff parties really so much fun and do you really get the space to grow that is promised in the ad? Who knows that better than an employee who already works for you?

So make a “work at” site a good stage for future colleagues' testimonials.

Of course, the first thing you should do is ask the employees who match your persona how you like working for you. That lady with that positive appearance and the man with the pleasant drive are of course perfect for giving a reference.

But watch out that it won't be too smooth a story. It must be human work.

So write a text as it is spoken (but without the language errors) and take a nice but believable photo in the workplace.

Tip 3: Keep it real

Of course, you make sure that its warmth and cosiness shines through in your posts on the various social media. But don't keep shooting.

Most visitors to your page have a nose for overkill of positivity and then drop out.

In fact, it can just happen that a dissatisfied employee with a post about a negative experience nullifies your glittery text in one fell swoop. And that's exactly what you don't want.

So keep it believable — it's not all gold that glitters. Not even in your beautiful company.

That is why it is not bad to also show what obstacles your organisation sometimes has to overcome in order to function properly. Are you eager for a solution to an issue? Want to know an opinion about a new product?

Put it on your page with a question mark and invite the reader to comment. That can just provide unexpected perspectives. And at least it causes the necessary traffic and attention.

Tip 4: Provide entertainment

Create an engaging page that really has something to experience. This way, you create added value and a reader will always come back curious.

Post a vacancy one time, another time a report on an event or a groundbreaking project. New furniture purchased or a special anniversary? Huppetee, on social media with it! This way, a potential applicant gets a good idea of what's going on within the organisation.

Your page doesn't just have to be alive — it also has to radiate quality.

This increases your credibility and reliability as an organisation and employer. Only post error-free texts with content that matches the business philosophy. In addition, it is smart to make use of attractive images.

Hire a professional photographer who takes the right pictures at the right time. A drawing or video is also always a nice eye-catcher.

Do you also want to offer readers the opportunity to delve even further into the subject? Then sprinkle with links to your website or informative sites. Talk about added value! 

Tip 5: Respond!

The beauty of social media is that it's not just about broadcasting, but also about receiving. If all is well, your posts will also be responded to.

Then don't fall into the trap of leaning back. If someone takes the trouble to write something in response to your post, it's a good use to actually do something with it. After all, that is also measured and is very much reflected in the data about your organisation.

Be prepared for negativity — that's life. Don't remove negative comments unless, of course, they are really transgressive. Take a deep breath and ensure, possibly with the Communication Department, a diplomatic and appropriate response.

Having a do-nothing discussion on social media is not convenient. Instead, please contact us directly by phone or personal message and try to bring the conversation to a successful end.

Make it work for you

Admittedly, using social media requires investment in time, attention and creativity. But once you've posted something interesting, something magical can just happen.

Social media will work for you. People are going to like, click, share. The range then appears to be infinitely greater than you could have imagined.

Social media is not only interesting for reaching a new applicant target group. Internal marketing is also getting wings: employees remember why they once applied themselves and, above all, why they still work at the organisation.

So not only does the job value proposition increase by a significant number of points, your employee value proposition happily goes to the top.

Need more inspiration?

Without bragging: we at Pluvo have quite a lot of experience with social media and online gadgets. And we really like it too! So if you need more tips and tricks to increase your employer branding, feel free to contact us!

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