With these examples, you can make your company more sustainable with the help of your employees!

HR/learning in organisations

Sustainability in the workplace not only has positive effects for the environment, but also for your company and employees. So take these tips for making your business more sustainable as an example!

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Sustainability boosts the environment, your company, and employees. Follow these 5 tips to make your workplace more eco-friendly and efficient!

Heat, extreme rainfall, drought: the worrying effects of climate change are obvious. The emergency signals will also have reached your employees. But: knowing something does not have to mean that you actually adapt your behavior to that knowledge.

As an employer, you may feel partly responsible for this emergency situation. Because to help the planet, not only individuals need to live more environmentally consciously: also companies must become more sustainable. You may already notice that more and more customers are asking critically about the sustainability of your company. So you've probably already done some sustainable innovations for ethical or commercial reasons.

What is sustainable business?

Sustainable business, environmentally friendly business, or corporate social responsibility: it comes down to respecting the Earth and leaving it intact as an entrepreneur, organisation or company.

You do this by investing in the right, balanced way in three important pillars:

  • People - your employees
  • Planet - environment-related problems
  • Profit - the profit

If you ensure that these three pillars are in balance with each other, you can also do business sustainably in the longer term. It's not just about the planet not suffering because of your organisation's profit motive. It also means, for example, that you produce in an environmentally friendly way, while at the same time ensuring that your employees do not suffer any harmful effects and that your profits are also maintained. Balance is key!

Why do you want to do business sustainably?

There are various reasons for choosing sustainable business. Of course, it's good for the planet, but it can also boost the well-being of your company and your employees. First, working greener can help you retain your customers. As it turns out, various studies that consumers find it increasingly important to spend their money on products or services from companies that focus on sustainability. For example, more and more people are switching to a more sustainable bank, such as ASN.

Another, perhaps more surprising, reason to care for sustainability in the workplace is that it can make your employees happier! As it turns out, research that sustainable behavior mainly contributes to 'eudaimonic well-being'. That's the feeling you get when you “do good things in life.” You feel like a morally better person because you are committed to a good cause. Working in a sustainable organisation ensures that employees are happier and purpose experienced in their work.An additional, not unimportant, advantage: a happy employee is also more productive!

“Set your heart on doing good. Do it over and over again, and you will be filled with joy. A fool is happy until his mischief turns against him. And a good man may suffer until his goodness flowers.” - Buddha

How do you also get your employees to actually make the right sustainable choices at work? We'll help you get started with some practical tips and examples.

5 examples of actions to make your company more sustainable

  1. Make working in an environmentally friendly way a topic

Of course, your employees have not been lying under a rock. They have undoubtedly learned something about the climate problem. But sometimes it is difficult to make the switch to a change in working methods or ideas. You're not sure how or why you should do that.

Therefore, make sure that working in an environmentally conscious way becomes a topic of conversation at the coffee machine. Clearly communicate why it is necessary to make certain sustainable choices. Tell us what it brings — in terms of cost savings, the climate, health and, last but not least, the competitive position in the market.

Let the theme of sustainability appear regularly in newsletters and on the intranet. Make communication a real two-way street.

A nice one example of sustainable business is by running a competition for the colleague with the best sustainability tips. Set up a chat box where people can ask their questions about the environment and sustainability.

  1. Working greener doesn't just happen overnight

The switch to sustainability does not necessarily have to be made big and compelling. Cutting them into smaller, organised projects makes it easier for people to take part in a change. In addition, a step-by-step approach is also somewhat more manageable from a budgetary point of view.

A few examples of environmentally conscious'quick wins' that you could investigate:

  • How sustainable is the coffee brand you use?
  • Offer residual waste from your production line for reuse elsewhere.
  • Is a company car out of contract? Replace electric!
  • Replace all trash cans with separate bins.
  • Only use environmentally friendly cleaning products.
  1. Set a good example of sustainable behavior

We can put everything on paper and require it from our employees. All those good intentions are quickly swept away if management does not comply with norms and values. Don't underestimate the top's role model.

So don't just train your employees on more sustainable behavior. Turn off the lights yourself even when you're not in the office (or install automatic sensors!) , separate your waste and take the bike more often. Going on a business trip? Don't book a flight ticket automatically, but research the feasibility of traveling by train or car.

Yes, maybe less attractive choices need to be made sometimes. But you also get something in return!
  1. Make sustainability the norm.

In the past, vegetarians and vegans were the exception. That seems to be increasing in daily life. This is not surprising, because apart from greater environmental awareness, there are also more and more alternatives for sale that do not involve animals. In the workplace, however, we still often linger on the usual croquette sandwich and soup with balls. How is that in your company?

Check the menu in the company restaurant with a critical eye on sustainability. Offer more fish and meatless options, and choose organic products. Are you hosting a dinner party? Then go for a vegetarian or vegan menu as standard. If someone really wants to eat meat or fish, this must be specifically indicated. In this way, sustainability is also becoming the norm in the business culinary field.

Read more about how to ensure that your employees, based on internal branding, express your business vision.

  1. Buy socially responsibly - and tell why

Corporate Social Responsibility means sustainable purchasing. This means that you not only pay attention to the price of the products or services, but also to consider the effect of purchasing on the environment and social aspects. By purchasing in a circular way, the use of raw materials is minimised, materials and products are reused and are less likely to be replaced. If you shape purchasing from this vision, as a company, you can have a significant impact on the environment and society.

Ask suppliers and service providers explicitly about the origin of their products and services. Maybe it's all right, and if not, they may have more sustainable alternatives that you didn't know about before. If you encounter a very complex playing field, it can be smart to combine knowledge and forces.

Join a so-called buyer group: a group of entrepreneurs who jointly investigate opportunities and can make interesting price agreements with suppliers.

Using production or cleaning materials that contain fewer harmful raw materials is a good step. But moving or renovating is also a great time to be sustainable. Take stock of which furniture, perhaps with a small adjustment, can last a while. Do you want a complete restyling? Then choose a supplier of refurbished furniture.

The use of other products or service providers may raise questions from employees. Sometimes they're used to working with certain people, brands, or materials for years, and we're just creatures of habit. Therefore, involve your employees in making the choice in time and help them introduce the change. Not just by telling us why certain choices were made. Also, offer clear, customer-oriented manuals so that the chosen resources are also used properly.

Whatever you do: sustainable business includes sharing knowledge!

Research shows that training and knowledge transfer are the best guarantee for a lasting behavioral change.

This means that no matter what steps you take to make your company more sustainable, it must be communicated regularly and clearly. Don't make it too heavy, difficult, or boring. You can achieve more with a pub quiz, interesting video, or regular pop-up.

Do you want tips about this? That works out well, because we know everything about knowledge sharing and smart communication! Therefore, take contact join us!

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