What impact does e-learning have on employment and existing jobs?


Today's technological developments are happening at a rapid pace and offer fantastic opportunities.

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Today's technological developments are happening at a rapid pace and offer fantastic opportunities.

Online learning, working online, chatting online with a robot that can create anything for you: the possibilities are endless.

However, there is also resistance. People are afraid that robots will take over their jobs. That they will never study “live” again. That we are losing the social connection with each other.

Are these objections justified?

In this blog, we share with you how we see the impact of e-learning (the technology we focus on) on employment, what opportunities and threats exist, and how we can make the most of this development for companies and their employees.

What are the benefits of e-learning for employment and existing jobs?

1. Flexibility and accessibility

With e-learning, people can learn at their own pace and at a time that suits them best. This offers new opportunities for people who might otherwise be limited in their learning experience.

It is therefore becoming more accessible for a larger part of the population to maintain or improve their knowledge and skills, which in turn ensures better job opportunities.

2. Improved skills and professional development

This goes hand in hand with the fact that employees who are already employed by an organisation or company can follow targeted training to learn or brush up on specific skills.

This increases their value in the labor market and leads to better career opportunities.

3. Increasing demand for e-learning professionals

Because, especially since the start of the Covid pandemic, the demand for e-learning platforms and professionals has increased exponentially, the e-learning industry itself also offers a lot of employment opportunities. “Traditional” teachers were challenged to take on a new online role and many other experts are now taking on the role of online trainers or developer of teaching materials, for example.

4. The opportunity to share expertise while generating income

Due to the increase in the number of affordable and easily accessible e-learning platforms, it has become very easy for any entrepreneur (prospective) to develop, put online, and (automatically) sell an online course.

Pluvo is a fantastic example of this!

During the Covid time (and also before and after), we also welcomed many new (and established) course creators.

5. Increase in freelance and remote employment in the e-learning sector

Because learning takes place online, this offers many opportunities to onboard prospective employees online and to train existing employees online.

This means that employees don't have to be in a location to use their full potential for the company and that recruitment and training can take place around the world. So much more talent to choose from!

In addition, companies often hire external e-learning experts to help them develop online training programs or manage their e-learning platforms. This offers new opportunities for professionals who want to work flexibly or want to be location-independent.

What are the concerns and threats of e-learning for employment and existing jobs?

1. Automation of traditional training roles

With advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality, certain aspects of training can be automated, reducing the need for physical trainers/teachers who were previously responsible for providing classroom training.

Computers and AI, for example, can now provide personalised learning paths and automated assessments, largely automating the human aspect of teaching and assessment.

2. Changes in the demand for skills and expertise

E-learning also changes the skills and expertise needed by teachers and trainers.

There is a shift towards specific digital and technical skills that are needed to manage e-learning platforms, develop online courses, and provide effective virtual training.

Professionals who do not have these skills may see their competitive position in the labor market decline.

3. Less demand for locations

Indirectly, employment at the locations that were previously used as teaching locations can also be influenced by the increasing popularity of e-learning. If no more locations are booked, fewer staff is needed; no catering, no reception, etc.

In short, e-learning thus creates both new opportunities and threats in the field of employment. It is important for (prospective) employees to adapt and retrain to stay relevant.

Are you curious about how you can use e-learning as effectively and sustainably as possible within your company or organisation? Contact us via chat and we'd love to tell you about the possibilities!

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