It's getting a little clearer with each employee generation. Happiness at work doesn't just come from a sky-high salary, a flashy laptop and a nice company car. In fact, fun and happiness often lie in very different things than financial and material things. Employees want to be able to develop, be valued and feel at home and safe in the organisation. If that's not possible, they'll look the other way.
Many employers have therefore been working diligently to improve the employee experience in their organisation. They google themselves dorky, gobble up happiness tips, communicate and invest in the round. Everything to keep you, the valued employee, happy!
However, it may be a little too easy to sit back and look expectantly at what ideas your employer will come up with. In fact, maybe it's not smart not to take action yourself either. There is a good chance that the surprise package that is presented to you as an employee does not fully meet your needs. So that doesn't necessarily make you much happier at work!
Our golden tip for your happiness at work? Take action yourself too! If you know and tell them yourself what you need for your happiness at work, you offer your employer the opportunity to show their best side.
1. Create your ultimate shopping list
It may sound a little dull, but it works. Put it old school at a glance what your ideal job should meet. From salary to working hours, from job content to development opportunities and work environment. Do you want to be able to work from home or often meet colleagues in the office? Also, don't forget to make the combination with your personal life and any other activities.
Then place your shopping list next to your current job. Check the parts that are already well in order. Do cells remain empty? Then that will be the to-do list for your happiness at work.
Don't fall into the trap of changing employers immediately. Often the grass seems greener... yes. First, talk to your current employer. Sometimes more is possible than you thought. As long as you make it negotiable!
2. Control your job
Do you know what gives you energy and what just deflates you? Do you know your own talents and are they sufficiently used in your job? Sometimes it's hard to get your finger on that. Talk to a career coach, or make use of the various online tests to get a clear picture of your motives and talents.
The results of such an analysis can be very enlightening. For example, it suddenly becomes clear why you feel completely wrung out after one working day and you are still brimming with energy at another time. Or why your hobby is getting you into a flow.
Take advantage of this insight. Become the director of your own career. Is there maybe a way to create more of those moments of sparkle? For example, by shifting tasks or responsibilities, or participating in a new project group that matches your personal interests? Work it out and discuss your proposal with your supervisor. A pinch job carving can do wonders for your happiness at work. And the organisation usually benefits too!
3. Don't set your bar too high
We're the last to say you shouldn't dream. Of course, it's good to pursue a goal. But watch out, don't become a Never Enough Caterpillar. Don't set that bar too high and keep your dot on the horizon accessible. Otherwise, you'll always have that nagging feeling that something important is missing in your life and you'll forget to look around appreciatively in the here and now.
Always give yourself a success experience by cutting your dreams for the future into baby steps. And, also important: don't forget to celebrate every success. Did you get a certificate or did a project successfully complete? Share it with your supervisor and your environment. A moment like this not only feels good, it's also good for your personal PR. This significantly increases the chance that you will be invited to take the next step in the future!
4. Keep developing yourself
If you get too few new challenges, there is a so-called bore-out looming; almost as dangerous as the better-known burnout. Break the rut by regularly asking yourself what else you want to learn, and how you would like to do it. In many organisations, this topic is addressed at least once a year during an evaluation or POP meeting. If your employer does not have a real HR cycle, feel free to request an interview with your manager yourself.
The same applies here: don't set yourself too high goals. It really doesn't always have to be big and compelling. Do you have no time or energy for a long-term study? A short training or e-learning module can also be a great idea to refresh your knowledge and desire to work.
5. Give and receive attention
For an employee, there is sufficient sincerity attention from the manager an important tastemaker for experiencing job satisfaction. But good social contact between colleagues is also often mentioned as one of the meaningful factors at work.
Do you also need a pleasant work environment, but do you work in an organisation where there is an island culture and everyone does their own thing? Break that silence. Become a bridge builder and trendsetter. Get coffee spontaneously for your colleagues, even those you don't speak to very often. Send a card to a sick colleague and start a chat at the coffee machine. People may be surprised at first, but you will see that it will catch on and a warmer, social working atmosphere will soon be created.
You can also look for an ally within the organisation. Go to HR and, for example, offer yourself as a onboarding buddy. Such an initiative, especially if it is offered spontaneously from the workplace, is probably more than welcome.
Online happiness tools
As you've noticed, happiness at work is largely an emotional thing. However, you can make use of various online tools precisely for this. For example, consider e-learning, but also a cleverly designed intranet can contribute to improving relationships and job satisfaction. So make conscious use of it. Do you want more tips, or could your employer use some extra inspiration to increase happiness at work? Feel free to contact us!
As an educational expert specialising in online learning, I have been writing blogs for Pluvo for 5 years. My focus is on powerful learning solutions for organisations. Universal Design for Learning and inclusive learning are my passion; I believe that education should be accessible and fun for everyone.
I've been combining my 35 years of HR experience with copywriting for over 15 years. And even then, I learn new things over and over again. That's what makes writing blogs for Pluvo so incredibly interesting!