Why an LMS is essential for HR

HR/learning in organisations

An LMS has become very hip in a short time! More and more organisations are using it. Read this blog if you want to know what a Learning Management System can offer you.

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An LMS has become very hip in a short time! More and more organizations are using it. Read this blog if you want to know what a Learning Management System can offer you.
Wikipedia describes a Learning Management System (LMS) a bit dry as “a platform that offers support in selecting, following and delivering courses”.

That is, of course, completely true. But in fact, this description does not do justice to the possibilities of a Learning Management System, we think. An LMS is also an important ingredient for your employees' job satisfaction and career opportunities. It can also boost your business operations. Whether you are a large or a small employer!

Curious about more e-learning benefits? Read it here.

Actually, every organisation can use an LMS. After all, there are few professions where you don't have to learn anything. Almost every subject requires certain knowledge or skills. Because it is convenient, or sometimes even required by law. But as a manager, how do you ensure that your employees have the right papers and the most up-to-date information in their heads? And how do you, as an employee, find your way through the maze of training options? Exactly: an LMS could just be the golden egg!

For convenience, we list some of the advantages of a Learning Management System at a glance for you.

9 good reasons to buy an LMS

  1. Easy, customised learning path

Gone are the times of rigid paper teaching materials that were impossible to plough through. An LMS is digital, which means ultimate flexibility. Fill your LMS with various learning paths, provide different, separate modules. You can then play endlessly in class pace, level and topics.

In this way, each employee is offered exactly the information that suits their individual needs. Issues that are not relevant are simply not on the agenda. If someone proves to be more understanding than fellow students, they will progress through the curriculum more quickly, or they will pick up some extra in-depth material. But an LMS also offers plenty of opportunities to gain customised knowledge for people with a language delay or a slower pace of study.

Also, click on if you want to know more about personal learning paths.

  1. All information in one place

By setting up an overarching knowledge platform, it is clear to everyone. If you need any kind of education, development or knowledge sharing, you know exactly where to go: the LMS. There are all the courses, training courses, tips and tricks that are relevant to your organisation. This is easy for your employees, but of course also for managers and policy makers who want to share knowledge or need to monitor educational levels.

  1. Promotes your employee's own direction

An LMS is completely in line with the current emancipation of employees. No one has to sit back and wait for the training that the manager or HR has come up with for them. With an LMS, you can fully orient yourself and proactively 'shop' in the wonderful world of Learning & Development.

In addition, an LMS offers not only freedom, but also support options. A reminder one day before the scheduled training, an alarm bell a few months before a certificate expires: it's all easy to set up and will be seen as a helping hand by most employees.

  1. Insight and reports

One course is not like the other. And there is a lot of chaff when it comes to trainers, coaches and teachers. So how useful is it if the LMS keeps track of the success rate? Or if those standard evaluation forms end up centrally in the system after each training?

It is not only the learning efficiency that can be easily gleaned from the LMS. For a manager, insight into the number of qualified employees is essential management information. During an audit, but also for personnel planning or recruitment activities, it is important to know what you have to offer in terms of quality.

  1. Coherence of teaching materials

An LMS can combine various training courses into one logically coherent learning process. By incorporating links into the course material, you offer employees the opportunity to further delve into a topic almost automatically, or to move on to a follow-up lesson. By the way, the learning platform does not have to be limited to online knowledge sharing: it is precisely the combination with offline lessons that makes a learning process extra attractive.

Not only in terms of content, but also optically, an LMS can provide a clear unity. Build the online lessons into a consistent corporate identity, with a similar tone of voice. This increases the familiarity and the sense of “own club colors” for employees.

  1. Makes learning more fun

Online information material offers unprecedented opportunities. The student doesn't just have to take in more boring text; clarifying the material with attractive video material, or a “trip” to YouTube or a poll offers a welcome change.

Take advantage of the power of your LMS as well gamification. Games further challenge people to perform better. Almost unnoticed, an employee continues to learn further, faster or better. A “pub quiz” that looks back on previous course material, a game of skill or a competition against a fellow student; it's fun and lets information sink in better.

  1. Easy to keep up to date

Technical developments are happening rapidly. And what about a dangerous virus that suddenly shuts down the world and sets different business requirements? With an LMS, there is no need to throw away expensive paper study material because it has been overtaken by time. It's a matter of editing the chapters that need to be updated online, and that's it!

  1. Easy distribution

Connect your LMS to others HR systems and you can always reach the right students at the touch of a button. A newsletter, white paper, or course planning: it's all as easy to email or download as a new e-book. Sending, reviewing and correcting homework or projects?

Online, you hardly ever find yourself in front of a closed door, even if it's the middle of the night.
  1. Cost savings and budget control

With an LMS, you always have up-to-date insight into the state of affairs. How much money has already been spent, which teams still need to be trained and how much subsidy can be applied for? Let the counter run along with your LMS and it's no problem to provide this type of data.

Many expensive “heist sessions” have become obsolete due to online knowledge sharing. There is no longer a need to travel for hours. Thanks to e-learning, you can study from behind the laptop at any time and regardless of place.

But remember. An online learning environment only works if your employees are motivated to do so. How to introduce online learning with your employees!

Need tips to develop your own LMS system?

Then you've come to the right place! Pluvo is in fact the specialist in developing a customised learning platform. From our field of work, we closely follow trends and opportunities. There are all kinds of LMS solutions, from very simple to very profound. Feel free to make use of our knowledge.

Contact us and we'll be happy to help you get started!
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