10 great e-learning tips!


Do you need e-learning tips? Say no more! With these 10 tips, you'll know exactly where to start, and making e-learning suddenly becomes a lot easier!

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Do you need e-learning tips? Say no more! With these 10 tips, you'll know exactly where to start, and making e-learning suddenly becomes a lot easier!

Before we get ahead of ourselves: what is e-learning actually?

Create e-learning (electronic learning) involves obtaining knowledge electronically, namely by means of a computer, tablet or telephone. In addition to the fact that online learning takes 40 - 60% less time, it also increases the retention rate from 25 - 60%. This means, among other things, that an employee earns about 26% more. Wow!

Creating e-learning tips

Have you always wanted to create an e-learning but have no idea where to start? No worries! This article helps you set up your e-learning.

Be sure to check out our latest free tool: the E-learning Needs Scan. Answer the questions within 10 minutes and receive a personal advice report written by our own e-learning experts.

With the 10 below create tips about e-learning you are sure that your e-learning will be a success!

Tip 1. Designing e-learning; start with the learning objectives

When creating your e-learning, it is wise to think about what you want to achieve with your e-learning. So consider what your students need to know at the end of the training. So think about the learning objectives of your e-learning

You can do this on the basis of a structure. First, write down everything a student should be able to do after following your online training. Make this as concrete as possible, such as “being able to write a cover letter” or “understanding the basics of SEO”. You can see these as learning objectives.

Then write down all the steps someone needs to take to achieve the learning goals. Try to describe the path as logically as possible. These are your sub-goals.

Then divide the steps into sections. Sections make it easier for students to follow your course material because you bundle related topics together. For example, a section is “the motivation letter”. In this way, you will divide these sections into lessons that contain the actual content of your training.

Fill the sections with lessons. In the example, this is “format of the letter” and “have your cover letter reviewed”, both of which belong to the “letter of motivation” section. Finally, put the sections in a logical order.

More tips for setting up your e-learning? Download the e-book for free”E-learning Essentials'

Tip 2. Choose appropriate e-learning software

This may sound a bit like “we at WC-Duck recommend WC-Duck”. However, choosing the right tool for your e-learning is essential.

This must be a tool that matches your online training. User-friendliness is also a consideration. Of course, you don't want to spend hours inventing a tool: you want to be able to start assembling your training right away. In the e-book there is also a complete step-by-step plan to help you find a suitable e-learning tool.

Tip: Opt for e-learning software in combination with an authoring tool. This way, you can both create your online training and analyze students' results in one place!

Use Pluvo for creating great e-learnings - start for free! You can easily build your own academy with Pluvo.

Tip 3. Better readability

When it comes to online training, distractions quickly lurk. This is because Facebook and LinkedIn are opened in no time. So you want your students to focus on your training. What helps is improving the readability of your training. There are tricks for this, which we describe in detail in our blog post about writing web texts.

Examples of tricks for better readability:

  • Use short sentences. This is a lot easier to read, and so your students will keep their attention better during the training.
  • Limit technical jargon. Words that you use every day in your work may be unfamiliar to your students. If you really want to use this, you can explain these words the first time.
  • Use cups. Divide your training into short paragraphs to make it easier to read a paragraph. Make sure you have clear headings above the paragraphs.

Tip 4. Microlearning = awesome

Microlearning means that you divide your training into small, bite-sized chunks. This is easier to learn than one long online course. For example, consider Duolingo. Here you can always learn new words and grammar, divided into small “snacks”. Microlearning also encourages your student to complete your training.

When your student has completed part of the course, he/she often feels motivated to continue. This is in contrast to a long course where you no longer feel like continuing to read halfway through the course material.

Tip 5: Be a Content King

Alternate the types of content in your e-learning. This is how you keep your e-learning interesting. For example, record a video or add one from Youtube. Link to an interesting infographic or news article. Add photos. Or a quiz. The possibilities are endless.

Podcasts are also completely hip these days and are also increasingly being used in e-learning.

Tip 6. Everyone has their own learning path

One of the advantages of providing online training is that you can offer each participant their own learning path. This way, you can easily respond to the needs of your students. If your student doesn't understand something, you can offer them additional content.

Of course, this also works the other way around: if your student finds part of your online course very easy, you can give him/her in-depth material. This is how you increase the results of your participants!

Tip 7. Repeat, repeat, repeat

Teachers who used to say that repetition was necessary to learn things were secretly right. It is scientifically proven that not repeating the subject matter leads to forgetting. If your student reads something today and you don't repeat it, 80% to 90% will be forgotten within a week.

So make sure you have enough repetition in your e-learning. Think of summaries, quizzes and tests.

Tip 8: Encouraging a sense of group

Most people are group animals, but e-learnings are mainly focused on the individual. Nevertheless, you can stimulate the sense of group. For example, have your students do an assignment together. In addition to a nice change, this also motivates your participants to complete your course. In Pluvo's chat, students can easily discuss assignments. For example, meeting each other in 'real life' is not even necessary.

Want to learn how to create an e-learning step by step? Download for free 'E-learning Essentials'

Tip 9. Just test

The great thing about creating an online course is that you can test knowledge right away. This also helps your students remember your course material (remember, repetition wins!). At the end of a chapter, repeat the course material you have learned with a practice test and end a module with a final test. That way, they will never forget your content!

Tip 10. Not too serious

From time to time, you can make a good joke in your training. Laughter relaxes the body and a relaxed body is more receptive to new ideas. This way, your students will ultimately stay focused longer!

Make e-learning free

Now you know how to make a successful e-learning. What are you waiting for?

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