Make your e-learning rock-solid with these 5 tips


How do you create a high-quality e-learning that is also incredibly fun and interesting to follow? In this blog, we'll give you 5 tips!

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How do you create a high-quality e-learning that is also incredibly fun and interesting to follow? In this blog, we'll give you 5 tips!

“The e-learning has up to 40 lessons!”
“The online modules consist of more than 60 videos!”

Do you also get stuffy when reading these numbers? You are not alone.
E-learnings are often promoted on the basis of “quantity”. But of course, this says nothing about the quality of the e-learning.

People often participate in e-learning because it is efficient. They can take the e-learning at any time: on the way to work in the morning, on the train back home in the evening, in the bath, while gardening or even on vacation. However, people still don't want to waste their time listening to or looking at redundant information unnecessarily.

Because our attention span is extremely short at the moment, and we are used to fast content (for example, the speed with which platforms such as TikTok and Instagram present information to us), it is very important to keep the student's attention.

But how do you do this exactly? We give you 5 tips to create a high-quality and rock-solid e-learning that is incredibly fun and interesting to follow.

1. Explain the benefits of following the e-learning

Let the staff/participants clearly know “what's in it for them” before and during the e-learning. How will this e-learning enrich their lives? What does it give them in concrete terms? Where are they after following this e-learning? By emphasising these benefits, even an e-learning that is “mandatory” feels very different!

If you notice that e-learning participants feel uncertain about following the e-learning because they have simply never done it before, remove that uncertainty by giving them “a look behind the scenes” and emphasising that (technical) support is always available if there are questions.

2. Encourage interaction

Many people learn by doing, instead of showing them how to do something. In order to really master what they have learned, the student wants to get started right away with what they have learned. And not by gambling the answers to a multiple choice quiz, but through meaningful activities such as interactive scenarios, case studies, virtual reality environments, etc. Pluvo offers you various testing and testing options to help you making e-learning more interactive.

3. Add interactive elements such as case studies

Case studies are an effective way to “bring” online teaching materials to life. Once students have learned the theory, translating it into practice is the next step. After all, what's the use of knowledge if you can't put it into practice afterwards? Case studies are ideal for connecting students to the course material on a personal level. As a case study, for example, you can use a realistic case - the virtual simulation of a real-life scenario. The computer can present the student with a scenario, which could also occur during a real situation with a customer.

McDonald's, for example, also uses this technique when online training of new cashiers. The e-learning mimics a real cash register, including various scenarios that could take place with customers. A good and fun way to prepare for practice as a future cashier!

4. Create a connection with daily work practice

The more the student can relate to what they have learned, the greater the chance that learning will be meaningful to them. How do the teaching materials relate to their daily lives? To their daily work practice? What will this e-learning offer the student in concrete terms? Why should they invest time and energy in this? Make this as clear as possible from the start and make this connection wherever you can. Virtual Reality can play an important role in this.

Virtual Reality connects a person to a 3D computerised environment. The student has the feeling that he/she is part of a 3D world and is immersed in this virtual world that, for example, shows a certain workplace, a certain process, or a certain situation.

Or let your students or staff collaborating on a group assignment or discussion. You can even assess this and thus make it part of your learning journey. Working together stimulates interaction and bonding!

5. Make use of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed e-learning and offers many opportunities to make e-learning truly “engaging”!

With AI, we can personalise learning experiences for individuals, groups, and different languages. It adapts learning materials to specific needs, sets relevant goals, and accurately measures the progress of each student. AI also identifies weaknesses and offers targeted recommendations for additional exercises or speeding up the learning process.

At Pluvo, we attach great importance to the quality of e-learning. Would you like to brainstorm with us about how to make your e-learning as strong as possible? Contact us in the chat!

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