HR is always on the move. Fortunately, because that's why this field is never boring! But sometimes you can't see the forest for all those trees. Then it's good to list all those developments. We'll help you out with these top 7 HR themes that we think it's smart to put at the top of your agenda in 2025.
Creating a fantastic employee journey is an absolute must in these times, when the labor market is tight and the competition between employers is fierce. By binding the employee to your organisation as well and as quickly as possible, you ensure that he or she feels at home in the company and becomes a true ambassador.
The result is impressive, according to various studies. Companies with enthusiastic employees have around 60% less staff turnover, much lower absenteeism and a productivity that is qualitatively and quantitatively higher. To achieve this, a few ingredients should not be missing from the menu of your personnel policy:
Originally, an HR department was primarily seen as an executive, supporting staff department. HR advisors were mainly concerned with recruiting employees, paying salaries on time, and implementing the sick leave policy.
Today, there is a clear shift in emphasis. HR is becoming less and less “you ask, we run”, but is increasingly developing into a serious business partner, who by default joins the MT in the boardroom. To actively contribute to this in the long-term strategy, to proactively respond to market developments and also to counteract when necessary.
Do you notice that you may still lack some skills to act as a full-fledged management sparring partner? That's not so strange. It's definitely a different role than the classic HR advisor, who won't immediately suit everyone like a jacket.
So give not only your employees, but also yourself the luxury of a personal development program so that you can evolve in your role as an HR professional.
Technology rages on. AI, ChatGPT, robotisation and big data are becoming increasingly important in business operations. However, it is still far from always being used optimally, especially in an HR department. People and people usually work there, who are a little further away from technology.
It is worthwhile to zoom in more consciously on digital opportunities. Are there routine jobs that can be automated? Maybe ChatGPT can set up vacancy texts or correspondence. Could figures be extracted from different systems and linked together in such a way that important decisions can be made more substantiated? Just a few examples of questions that digitisation could provide a good answer to.
Have a talk with employees of the Automation Department and be surprised by the options that are available. By the way, it's also a good idea to join forces with colleagues from other disciplines, such as Finance and Production.
By looking at information and opportunities in a multidisciplinary way, you literally and figuratively expand your field of view and take more effective steps.
We wrote earlier in this blog about the challenges of the current tight labor market. Especially in some sectors, where the supply and demand of staff are at odds (such as Healthcare and Hospitality), the need is high. So be smart about your staff planning. For example, consider:
The younger generation of employees is increasingly valuing sustainability, and as an organisation, it is important to take this into account, both in terms of corporate social responsibility and to profile yourself as a sustainable employer. There are various ways to do this, such as encouraging the use of electric cars, public transport and bicycles for commuting, facilitating working from home, and offering vegetarian and vegan options at the company restaurant.
In addition, you can make the work environment more sustainable with solar panels, a heat pump, a green roof and the abolition of natural gas.
It is also valuable to actively invite employees to contribute their ideas about sustainability and climate.
By pushing back the retirement date and cutting back on early retirement opportunities, more and more employees of various ages are active in the workplace. Each generation and phase of life has its own needs and motives. It is good to take this into account from an HR perspective.
Make sure you per generation can provide customised solutions when it comes to, for example:
By paying a lot of attention to the well-being of employees, long-term absenteeism and staff turnover can be prevented. If you want to keep your business healthy and productive, it's a good idea to invest in employee satisfaction, both the physical and mental health of your employees, their development needs, stimulating a healthy lifestyle and promoting job satisfaction.
Actually, this is just the tip of the iceberg: in the coming year, various changes in laws and regulations in the field of HR will also be reviewed. For example, by smartly organising your knowledge platform and intranet, you can ensure that your organisation is ready for this. But there are other useful online options that you can use. Think of a online academy where you can easily set up customised onboarding or training, conducting an employee satisfaction survey (MTO) or facilitating remote work. Need tips and inspiration? Then contact us.
As an educational expert specialising in online learning, I have been writing blogs for Pluvo for 5 years. My focus is on powerful learning solutions for organisations. Universal Design for Learning and inclusive learning are my passion; I believe that education should be accessible and fun for everyone.
I've been combining my 35 years of HR experience with copywriting for over 15 years. And even then, I learn new things over and over again. That's what makes writing blogs for Pluvo so incredibly interesting!