How do I enjoy my work more? Find your ikigai!

HR/learning in organisations

More job satisfaction and a healthier life? They know what to do with that in Japan. According to their recipe, you should look for your ikigai. In this blog, we give you tips straight from Japan.

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More job satisfaction and a healthier life? They know what to do with that in Japan. According to their recipe, you should look for your ikigai. In this blog, we give you tips straight from Japan.

Ikigai: The recipe for more job satisfaction and a longer, happier life

The days when people were able to lay down in their hammocks early as pensioners before they were sixty seem to be over for good. You'll probably have to keep going until you're almost seventy years old. Unless, of course, you win a golden ticket in the State Lottery or have a large legacy ahead.

Whether you are biologically able to make it to retirement, let alone the hundred candles on your birthday cake, is only 10% genetic. As much as 90% is determined by your lifestyle, according to the study Danish twins out.

Scientist Dan Buettner was intrigued by this and went to investigate for National Geographic. He found people who were healthier and older than average in so-called “blue zones”. He came back with results that are not only very interesting, but are also fairly easy to apply. Even in our western world.

In short, the lives of the people in those “blue zones” appeared to have several similarities:

  • A menu that consists mainly of fresh food
  • Lots of natural movement
  • A warm social life
  • A clear reason to get out of bed; in Japanese: 'ikigai'

What is (your) ikigai?

Ikigai is a good recipe for ensuring that you reach your AOW pension not only healthy, but also whistling. After all, knowing what you like to get out of bed for is not only good for your health, but also gives a positive twist to your job satisfaction. It significantly lowers your stress level and thereby reduces the risk of cancer and other serious illnesses.

Ikigai isn't fancy or complicated. In fact, it simply comes down to finding happiness in small, everyday things. What buttons can you turn to make sure you find and enlarge your ikigai? We share a few ideas with you.

5 tips for more job satisfaction

  1. Start the day early and with a worthwhile task.

Set your alarm an hour earlier to immediately grab something you've been dreading for a while, or that you normally never get around to during the hectic pace of the day. It can be work-related or private. The satisfaction of getting that job done so early gives a positive flow to the rest of your day.

  1. Develop a movement ritual.

Make sure you're moving at a fixed time every day. One person gets a kick out of running five kilometers, the other likes to ride a bike, dance or walk around the block. It doesn't matter what you choose, as long as you enjoy it. After all, then you will last much longer, and it will really become a healthy ritual.

  1. Do work that makes you happy.

You spend a large part of your life working. That's why it's important that you enjoy what you do. In fact, money is just a relative term. Of course, you have to smoke a chimney and you can't pay with your smile at the supermarket. But it seems that, on average, a salary increase only provides a sense of progress for a few months — after that, that extra space in your wallet will be used to.

Consciously considering why you do what you do, and seriously asking yourself whether you want to invest your time and energy in something, is a big step towards ikigai. Doesn't it feel good? Then see if you might be able to make other choices. Keep an eye on yourself and pay attention signs that you no longer like your job.

Do you want to know how to find work that suits you (w) (ikigai)? Then also read this blog about intrinsic motivation.

  1. Step out of that comfort zone.

Of course, it's tempting to do the same thing all the time and keep going without thinking about it. As comfortable as that comfort zone feels, it's good to get out regularly to try something new. It sharpens all your senses, allows you to experience new experiences, and lets you take a fresh look at the world.

We're not necessarily talking about earth-shattering changes. Take a different route to work, try out a new recipe, or experiment with different clothes. That's sometimes enough for a new vibe in your life and a sense of wonder.

Work on your personal development so! We wrote a blog about how to do this digitally.

  1. Do something for the people around you.

Man is by nature a social being. Although you may not consider yourself to be a real herd animal, you will grow if you make a positive contribution to your environment. See what suits you: giving extra attention to a sick acquaintance, shopping for your old neighbor, helping out at the hedgehog shelter or setting up a PR campaign for a political party.

Consciously making time for someone else and contributing to a bigger picture provides a sense of happiness. Your commitment matters and you are seen and appreciated. A typical case of win-win.

Also know how to, not only yourself, but also your can motivate employees? Then continue reading here.

Need more tips on how to increase your job satisfaction?

The internet is full of interesting facts to boost your happiness at work and life. In addition, there are many smart online solutions for gaining new knowledge and sharing your experiences with others. Let that be Pluvo's strength! So don't hesitate to contact us!

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