Trends in remote working


Of course, we don't have a crystal ball, but it is clear that Artificial Intelligence and e-learning will play an even more important role in the future.

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Of course, we don't have a crystal ball, but it is clear that Artificial Intelligence and e-learning will play an even more important role in the future.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, such as ChatGPT, has caused a stir in several markets and fields. And that's not surprising, of course. People are wondering what this super-intelligent technology will mean for their jobs. Joe McKendrick wrote in Forbes, “artificial intelligence (AI) will replace tasks, not jobs”. He also wrote that instead of worrying about losing jobs, business leaders should focus on reducing the number of jobs that AI and machine learning can do and instead focus on training employees to focus on higher-level tasks.

However, we cannot avoid the fact that AI and other robots/machines will perform more and more tasks that are currently being done by humans in the future. This means that we, as employees and employers, must learn how to work optimally with AI. What is the best way to use it? How can we use AI to our advantage? How can we use AI to make certain processes more efficient?

So we have two choices: we'll sit in a corner afraid, or we'll use e-learning to brush up on our skills and make our skillset “future proof”.

For years, e-learning has been a forerunner in the field of technological development. It's no coincidence that it withstood a global health crisis!

E-learning can be used perfectly to respond to the trends we described above. Why is e-learning ideal for this?

Remote work

During the Corona period, many organisations and employees were able to get a taste of what it's like to work remotely. Although its implementation and integration did not always go smoothly (after all, we hardly had time to prepare), many organisations and companies recognise the value of this flexible work model afterwards.

Not only did we all work digitally, professional development was also moved to the digital world.

This did not go without a hitch either, but many companies and organisations are now convinced of the benefits of online learning for their employees, such as:

1. Flexibility

With e-learning, people can learn at their own pace and at a time that suits them best. No long travel time, days away from work, hotel stays, babysitting, arranging a replacement... Because people decide where and when they learn, this offers a lot of flexibility and opportunities.

Some people are at their best in the morning, while others may prefer to spend a few hours at the weekend to brush up on their knowledge and skills; with e-learning, it's all possible!

In addition, a company can start developing e-learning based on the latest trends, for example in AI, at any time. Once it is ready, employees can participate immediately. There is no need to rent a space first, ask for free, etc.

2. Save costs

When no space has to be rented for classroom training, this saves a lot of money and organisation. This also applies if the training is given in-house. After all, it involves catering, but also materials. This includes, for example, printing training material. But travel costs for trainers and participants can also be in the paperwork!

With e-learning, you can save costs in all these areas. In addition, it is much easier and faster to access and does not necessarily require months of planning and preparation. For example, with Pluvo, you can also easily create groups based on function, department or start date, so that everyone has access to the right content.

3. Globally accessible

If a company has international ambitions, or already has several international offices, e-learning is ideal for simultaneously informing employees across the organisation about the latest trends and developments in AI. Organising an international conference, for example, costs a lot more time, money, organisation, and regulation.

Through e-learning, employees can connect with each other anywhere in the world, just from their own office (or home office)!

4. Always up to date

As described above, it is a huge advantage that e-learning can be updated at any time. Because developments in AI are moving extremely fast, it is important that the e-learning is regularly checked for relevance and that the latest developments are added in time. Fortunately, this is already possible with just a few button presses. Then all employees have immediate access and are up to date!

Are you curious about how your organisation can effectively respond to the latest AI trends? Contact us via chat and we'd love to tell you what e-learning via Pluvo can do for your company!

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