You are developing a website or online course. Not surprising if you're wondering if writing online texts is different from writing offline content. We can be very brief about the answer: yes. It is not without reason that a separate name is given to writing texts on the online web.
Because when we talk about web texts, we speak of texts specially written for the internet.
There's a simple reason why it's important to write web texts in a different way than “normal”. After all, if you choose to spread your knowledge via the internet, you will face a considerable challenge. After all, the tension of someone who uses the web is many times smaller than that of someone who reads a book. For example, Instagram, Facebook and other fast-paced content are just a few clicks away from your website or online training.
So the competition with social media is fierce, but it is certainly not impossible to win it! You just have to make sure that the reader gets and stays motivated. And you do that with rock-solid writing web texts. Below are 5 tips that will help you with this.
Want to know more about e-learning first? Then read: what is e-learning?
1. Shorter web texts are better
As a trainer or website developer, you want the reader to process as much information as possible. Short sentences are ideal for this. By adding more breaks, you give readers the opportunity to process the information. This way, you prevent them from dropping out. Because as we mentioned earlier: distractions are lurking online. You have to make it as easy as possible for your readers, otherwise you'll lose them.
Example of a weaker web text:
“While it's not always easy to summarise your message briefly and concisely, especially on a more complicated topic, it's recommended, otherwise your readers will quickly lose track and are less likely to process information properly.”
Example of better web text:
“It's not always easy to summarise your message briefly and concisely, especially when it comes to a more complicated topic. Nevertheless, it is recommended. After all, with long sentences, your readers quickly lose the thread. They are also less likely to process information properly. '
Furthermore, for the readability of your web text, it is nice to alternate short and long sentences. However, it is advisable to use short sentences at the beginning of an article or chapter. This is because at the moment, your student is still trying to get used to the new topic. Those extra breaks are then very welcome.
Please note that if you make sentences shorter, you add more pauses. As a result, sentences become looser apart. It is then nice for the reader if you make the connection between sentences explicit. You can do this, for example, by repeating in a new sentence which part of the previous sentence it concerns. This is reflected in the example of better web text: “In long sentences...”.
Ever heard of microlearning? This form of e-learning also takes into account the fact that it is more difficult to maintain attention online. Read more about it soon!
2. Create concrete content
Another way to make sure you online texts be read more thoroughly: use clear language. So avoid words that the reader does not know, words that are actually redundant or too complicated. And don't let your students guess what you mean, but be as explicit as possible.
So not:
“During the first phase, we will discuss a number of aspects related to the conditions of your course.”
In the above sentence, “aspects related to” adds nothing. You can also just say “conditions”. It is also not clear what 'conditions' refers to: conditions for what?
“In the first phase, we will discuss the conditions for your course to be a success.”
So, now the reader knows where he stands.
3. Write actively
If you have a online course designs, it's a good thing to make the reader feel involved. Actually, you want your readers to feel like it's about them. Then they remember what they're learning better and the information gets through to them more. With some adjustments to your web texts, you can ensure that! Pay particular attention to active versus passive language.
For example, take a look at this sentence:
“In chapter 3, the most important concepts in psychology are discussed.”
This is an example of passive language use. It is not clear who will deal with these most important concepts in the future. This makes the sentence distant and somewhat boring. Here's how to make the sentence active:
“In chapter 3, I cover the most important concepts in psychology.”
Now, your student also sees someone in front of them who will soon cover these terms, namely you as a trainer or owner of your company. Another example:
'The form will be sent at the end of the course. '
That sounds pretty impersonal. Better is:
'I'll send you the form at the end of the course. '
Not sure who is submitting the form yet? Then you have another option to make the sentence more expressive:
“You'll receive the form at the end of the course.”
So you can also write in a more personal way. This is because you show that you are not only thinking about sending forms, but also about the recipients, for example your students. This tip is not only suitable if you are writing content for a website, but also if you want to fill an online training with web texts.
By the way, did you know that not only your web texts, but also your website or online learning environment determines how motivated the reader is? Learn more about choosing the right one here e-learning software!
4. Verbs please!
What's easier to read?
“We are happy to offer you support”
“We would love to support you”
'Support'is a noun, derived from the verb 'support'. You can recognise nouns because, just like a noun, you can put an article in front of them. In many cases, you can simply replace them with the verb by modifying the sentence slightly. As you can see, this makes the sentence less distant and more readable. Another example:
'Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate'.
“When you complete the course, you will receive a certificate.”
5. Do you write “you” or “you”?
When you write a text, you quickly run into this question: Do I address my students as “you” or “you” and “you”? The informal form of contact is the most personal. As a reader, you feel closer to the writer, and therefore have more of a feeling of being a team. This ensures a higher level of engagement. More and more websites and blogs are therefore opting for this form.
With 'u', you create more distance. However, that is better in some cases. For example, if your target group is quite old and is not so used to this informal form of contact. Or if your course is very business in terms of content. As you can see, there isn't always a ready-to-use formula when it comes to write good texts. You'll have to look at the needs of your readership for yourself. What do they need and what type of web texts do they prefer?
In this blog, we discussed five aspects of language use. Of course, there are many more things you can pay attention to as a content writer. Here are a few other tips:
Do you want more advice on how to write better texts? A must is the Writing guide by Jan Renkema.
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As an educational expert specialising in online learning, I have been writing blogs for Pluvo for 5 years. My focus is on powerful learning solutions for organisations. Universal Design for Learning and inclusive learning are my passion; I believe that education should be accessible and fun for everyone.
I've been combining my 35 years of HR experience with copywriting for over 15 years. And even then, I learn new things over and over again. That's what makes writing blogs for Pluvo so incredibly interesting!