Want to compare the most used LMS systems of 2023? Leave that to us!


The range of LMS systems is extensive. How do you find the right match? In this blog, we're going to compare the 10 most used LMS systems so you don't have to do that anymore!

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The range of LMS systems is extensive. How do you find the right match? In this blog, we're going to compare the 10 most used LMS systems so you don't have to do that anymore!

A Learning Management System (LMS)

If you want to offer online training, or even start an entire learning journey, a Learning Management System (LMS) indispensable. As the name suggests, this is a computer program (or system) that allows you to offer and manage online training/e-learning. E-learning software so. In some systems, you can only offer the e-learnings. In others, you can also develop them yourself. The 'management' part is about gaining insight into the progress of the learning process. For example, you can see how your participants are performing and who gets access to which training.

A huge number of different providers use an LMS system. This includes teachers, entrepreneurs or HR managers. Logically, they do not always need the same LMS, with the same functionalities and options. Nevertheless, the terms'LMS'or'online learning platform'often used in these sectors, even though it may mean something else.

In short, “Learning Management System” is a very broad term.

For this reason, there are also an awful lot of LMS systems. The advantage of this is that you will most likely find one that is very close to your specific needs. However, finding that exact system is a daunting task. This is because to do this, you need the best online learning platforms compare with each other. And that can take quite some time.

To help you out, we compare the 10 most used LMS systems below, so you don't have to do that anymore. Thank us later ;-)

The 10 best online learning platforms in the Netherlands compared

1. Plug

Pluvo is an all-in-one learning environment that makes it very easy to build and manage your learning experience yourself. You develop the e-learning by means of the authoring tool. It is managed and offered in Pluvo's LMS. Using LTI, you can even integrate external e-learning into your platform.

The software has almost every functionality that a true e-learning developer's heart desires. For example, the authoring tool offers a wide range of options to make your e-learning as interactive as possible. Think: videos, images, audio clips, different types of quiz questions, etc. The LMS itself also includes many options, such as sharing files, chatting, having discussions, issuing certificates, or creating personal learning paths.

With Pluvo, you ensure an optimal learning experience for every student. For example, you can offer your academy in Dutch, German, English, French, Polish, Spanish and Czech. And even more convenient: you can set which language the platform should be in for each user.

Pluvo also has many useful services. This way, every new user gets a free help session, helping you set up your training and your questions about e-learning. In addition, you can always ask a quick question via the chat, to which you can expect an answer within 5 minutes. In addition, you can contact Pluvo for:

  • Educational advice;
  • The design of your e-learning;
  • Create teaching videos;
  • Record podcasts;
  • Various workshops;
  • Or to set up your entire learning journey.

In terms of price, Pluvo is very flexible and accessible to everyone. After all, you can use the LMS system completely free of charge. As soon as you grow and want to give more students access to your training courses, for example, Pluvo grows with you. The costs adapt to (the size of) your own academy. For example, you can choose from 5 different types of subscriptions, or a customised quote. The most popular subscription costs 95, - per month, billed annually.

Try Pluvo for free now!

2. Easygenerator

Easygenerator is also a homegrown company based in Rotterdam. With this software, you can bring e-learning to your own academy in various ways. For example, you can create online training courses yourself, by dragging and dropping all kinds of elements. Just like a page builder, really. But you can also import PowerPoint files from existing training courses. Finally, you can choose from one of the existing e-learning templates, which you can launch right away or continue building on your own.

However, Easygenerator has a light LMS, which means that the system offers slightly fewer options than most other systems. For example, it is not possible to view comprehensive reports on the progress of the learning process. Or to create multiple training courses or groups. If this is important to you, it is not recommended to use this system.

You can then have the content automatically translated into more than 75 different languages. Useful if you want to reach students from all over the world ;-)

This company can help you, from their office in Rotterdam, if you send a chat message or fill out a form. They also offer e-books, guides, webinars, and course templates for support.

In terms of costs, you can choose from three different subscriptions. The cheapest plan costs 96, - per month and the subsequent subscription - 479, - per month. A subscription can also be taken out in consultation. You can try the platform for free, but in the form of a 'free trial'. Compared to other providers, such as Pluvo, there are fewer options for taking out a subscription that is well suited to your personal situation. As a result, there is a chance that you will get unnecessary functionalities, which means you will also pay more for. Or vice versa.

Here you can find more information about Easy generator.

3. StudyTube

At StudyTube, you can not only create and manage your own training courses, but you can also choose from a library of existing e-learning.

They themselves distinguish between the terms'Learning Experience Platform'and'Learning Management System'. With a LEP (LXP), the focus is more on the experience of the user. This concerns how the student uses the system. The StudyTube LXP includes various options. For example, an employee can indicate their interests, where the learning offerings adapt to. In addition, students gain insight into the progress of their own learning process and see the environment entirely in your organisation's corporate identity.

The LMS is more about the experience of the e-learning developer. So yours. This is where you manage and manage all training courses in the system yourself. For example, you can set when someone gets a certificate, send out reminders and view reports with data about the quality of your training.

An online training library is also offered, with ready-to-use training offerings from various trainers. These e-learnings can be added directly to your own academy, but are therefore not organisation-specific.

At StudyTube, you can receive personal guidance during the implementation and adoption of your academy. In addition, there is a help desk for quick questions and there is the possibility to outsource your training courses.

StudyTube is less transparent than other providers about the prices of its products. After all, you will only get more insight into the costs once you have requested a demo.

Here you can find more information about StudyTube.

4. aNewSpring

aNewSpring, also a Dutch company. They make their system call a 'Learning Journey Platform'. This means that the learning experience adapts to the behavior and preferences of the student (adaptive learning). The software contains many functionalities that match those of other providers.

In terms of service, aNewSpring uses a distinctive way to help customers get started.

In addition to being able to provide support themselves, there are a number of service partners and technical partners who want to think along with you. On the website, you can choose from English and Dutch partners from around the world, so that you can be helped develop and implement e-learning in the right way, in the right language.

In addition, aNewSpring works with two different subscriptions: one for trainers and one for organisations. If you choose to purchase the trainer version, you'll need to purchase licenses. Each participant you give access to your training requires one license, worth 15, - per year. You must purchase at least 5 licenses, so the cheapest subscription with aNewSpring is 75, - per year. If you choose to purchase the version for organisations, billing is negotiable. Once again, the options for personalising the subscription are rather limited compared to those of some other providers.

Here you can find more information about aNewSpring.

5. Learndash (for Wordpress)

Learndash is a bit different than the other LMS systems. This is because it is a plugin for Wordpress. What you can do is create a subdomain within your website. Here's where you can launch your online course, using the Learndash plug-in. You can then create e-learnings, quizzes, certificates, reports and submission assignments, among other things. Learndash gives you tons of options, but it will probably take you some extra time to get the hang of using the plugin. And in addition, you have to assemble and set up the LMS yourself, instead of doing this for you, like a ready-made LMS system. You also need to update the plugin yourself.

Learndash's headquarters are located in America. That is why customer service is not in Dutch. This makes the service less personal. Other than that, Learndash does offer some useful services, such as webinars and tutorial videos to help you get started.

To use the Learndash plugin on your website, you have to pay. The costs may vary, but on average, an annual subscription costs around 185 euro for one website (converted from dollar to euro). If you want to purchase the plug-in for multiple websites, you'll get some discount. In addition, of course, you still have to pay for any other plug-ins, and for the hosting of your website itself.

Here you can find more information about Learndash.

6. Articulate

Although Articulate is not an LMS, we'll mention here what you can do with it and why people use it. Indeed, Articulate is a software developer who has launched various e-learning development tools. You can compare it to Adobe, which includes Photoshop and Indesign, for example. For example, Articulate also has different versions: 360, Storyline and Rise, each with different functionalities. If you use these tools, you have endless possibilities. But at the same time, this can mean that developing e-learning takes a lot of time. However, there are many tutorials/workshops online to help you find your way around.

Articulate offers options for various users, namely freelancers, companies and academic institutions. As a company, you pay (converted from dollar to euro) 1367, - per year. If you're a freelancer or academic institution, you can still choose between a personal plan or a team plan. If you choose the team plan, your package consists of a few more options.

Here you can find more information about Articulate.

7. iSpring Learn (and iSpring Suite)

iSpring has two products: iSpring Suite, a PowerPoint plug-in that allows you to develop e-learning. This allows you to create scenarios, quizzes and, for example, simulations. iSpring Learn is the LMS, where training courses can be hung. Here you also get insight into the statistics of the learning process and you can plan the learning activities in an agenda, among other things.

The iSpring team can provide you with technical support in setting up your LMS. You can also ask your question via the chat.

The head office is located in America, which is why the contact will again be a bit less personal than if you work with a Dutch party.

You always pay per participant per month. On average, you pay around €3 per participant per month. The more participants, the more features and services you have available. In addition to the three packages that iSpring Learn offers, you can request a customised quote from 500 participants.

Here you can find more information about iSpring Learn and iSpring Suite.

8. Procademy

Like a number of other providers, Procademy offers a library of training courses that you can add to your own academy. In addition, there is even the possibility to sell the training courses you have developed to other companies in the Procademy shop. This is because the software also allows you to create your own e-learnings. Procademy is also suitable for giving online lessons via a virtual classroom, taking tests and quizzes and gaining insight into the knowledge level of your students.

Procademy has two 'standard' options to choose from. In addition, there is a possibility for a customised quote. The price is per participant. In the first option, the participant gets access to the entire academy, and thus multiple e-learnings. You will then pay between 10 and 20 euros per participant per year, depending on your own situation. In the second option, participants get access to a single e-learning. You then pay 10 euro per participant per year.

Here you can find more information about Procademy.

9. Hubper

Hubper allows you to build and manage your own learning activities. In addition, just like StudyTube and Procademy, you get access to a library of non-organisation-specific training courses, which you can import into your own academy. In addition to this, you can get e-learnings from other libraries or applications to your own academy in Hubper.

You can translate all courses into Spanish or German, among others, for all your non-Dutch students.

There are three packages available at Hubper: the starter package, the growth package and the enterprise package. The biggest advantage between the smallest and the middle package is the ability to integrate with other apps and platforms. Just like Studytube, Hubper is less transparent about the costs, because once again, the prices are only made transparent when you first request a demo.

Here you can find more information about Hubper.

10. Flow sparks

At Flowsparks, you can use the authoring tool to develop online training courses. During this development process, you will be helped with didactics by means of certain “learning formats”. These are fixed e-learning recipes that have already been completed in terms of structure. You add the content knowledge yourself.

You can also use gamification in your learning activities, for example by working with badges or levels. In this blog about gamification in e-learning you will learn more about the benefits of this.

In terms of services, you can ask for advice about your e-learning. You can also choose to completely outsource the development of your training courses. Or work on it together in co-production.

Flowsparks has its own way of setting the price. This is because on the website, you can select the functionalities you need. You also set how many people you want to offer the e-learning to. This data is sent to Flowsparks. Based on this, you will then receive a customised quote. Just like Pluvo, this increases the chance that you will take out a subscription that fits your needs in terms of price and functionalities.

Here you can find more information about Flow sparks.

Which LMS system is right for you?

If we can give you a few tips, we definitely recommend trying multiple platforms or tools. As you've read, many platforms offer roughly the same options. Think carefully about the factors on which they stand out.

Can you choose a subscription that suits you in terms of price and features? Then look for a provider that has many different packages, such as Pluvo. Do you need quality and personal service? Then you probably want to work with a Dutch party. Do you want to be able to add non-organisation-specific training courses to your academy? Then you can opt for a party with an e-learning library/catalog. Or, of course, a platform that makes links with external training courses possible. Do you find it important that you can develop training courses quickly? In any case, don't choose Articulate or Learndash. These systems have many options, but are complex and time-consuming.

In addition, the best tip is actually: talk to the employees. Experience what it's like to work with them. What makes you feel good? While a very objective comparison, like the one we made in this blog, can be very useful, a “subjective click” with the company can also say a lot.

Are you curious about the LMS system from Pluvo, or one of our services? Then take contact with us.
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