Why e-learning is good for intrinsic motivation


Intrinsic motivation is essential for learning new things. E-learning responds very precisely to the conditions of intrinsic motivation, making students much more motivated.

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Intrinsic motivation is essential for learning new things. E-learning responds very precisely to the conditions of intrinsic motivation, such as autonomy and mastery.

Just imagine..

A quick meal after a long day at work. Kids a kiss. Then back in the car on the way to a course. You're already tired, you've been 'turned' on 'all day and tried to process all the information that came your way. You don't expect to remember much of the course material.

It would be better if you could choose when to learn. The moment you feel clear. Sleeped in. Ready to take in information.

You may be at home behind your desk, at work, on the train, or on the couch under a blanket.

Back to the course you were heading to. Teaching materials are distributed. The quality of the copies is nothing to write home about and you've forgotten your reading glasses at home.

Wouldn't it be more convenient if you could open the documents when you have your reading glasses at hand, or enlarge the documents on your computer or iPad so you don't even need your reading glasses?

Or maybe you'd prefer to watch a video clip that explains and illustrates the definition you're trying to master, rather than reading about the definition in a piece of text.

Not ideal conditions to start a learning process. 

You immediately experience obstacles that don't exactly influence your motivation positively. And motivation is key to achieving learning outcomes and success.

Gamification also has a positive influence on intrinsic motivation. Read how to apply this here.

The importance of (intrinsic) motivation in learning

Intrinsic motivation plays an important role in learning. In order to experience intrinsic motivation, three things are important: autonomy, mastery and purpose (Dan Pink, 2009).

Autonomy — experience freedom in learning

Autonomy means that you experience freedom in the tasks you perform; at what time and in what time frame you perform these tasks; with whom you perform these tasks; and how you perform these tasks. Learning flexibility is therefore very important to stimulate and maintain intrinsic motivation.

Mastery — connects learning and talent

Mastery means that employees do work for which they are talented. Universal design for Learning  promotes “multiple means of engagement” that triggers students to learn in a way that suits them and that matches their experiences. In addition, it is important to present the learning material in different ways, so that the material is accessible, challenging and interesting for everyone (regardless of background or learning style). Sometimes, during professional development, you are triggered to learn a new skill that is not directly part of your talent collection. But when you experience a sense of success in this, it can bring about a sense of mastery.

Goal — what you learn deepens daily activities

In addition, it is of course very important to have a clear goal in mind. How can you apply the knowledge you gain to your job? How does it make your work easier, more efficient or more challenging?

Progress and feedback — value what you learn

To give the learning process extra strength, it is important that progress is visible and that you can regularly ask for feedback so that you have an idea if you are on the right track.

E-learning, intrinsic motivation in practice

E-learning originated from the above principles. Based on the need for freedom, flexibility and accessibility to learning. The rapid technological developments of the last decades have given e-learning an extra boost.

To determine whether e-learning is right for you, or your organization, we list the pros and cons.

Benefits of e-learning

  • E-learning is flexible: you can learn at any time and at any location. This means that no meeting room has to be booked, agendas do not have to be arranged side by side and catering is unnecessary.
  • E-learning offers a variety of learning materials. Whether you prefer visual learning, reading a book, or listening to a podcast, e-learning offers a choice of materials that are accessible and interesting for everyone.
  • Interactive. Connecting with others is seen as essential to the learning process. Although e-learning takes place via a device, the connection with others can still be clearly present through, for example, online discussions and contact with the lecturer.
  • E-learning saves time and costs. Just think about teaching materials, catering and accommodation costs.
  • E-learning offers insight through analytics.
  • E-learning makes customized learning possible.
  • The course material is always up to date, because it can be easily adjusted and updated at any time.

Disadvantages of e-learning

  • E-learning is not suitable for all subjects. Surely you don't want to think that your doctor has learned how to place a suture via the computer?
  • A certain amount of computer knowledge is required.
  • An active attitude is essential; e-learning is for go-getters.
  • The lack of face-to-face contact. Many studies show that connecting with other people is an important factor in learning. In e-learning, this connection looks different than in classroom learning. Blended learning is seen as an effective 'middle': for example, the lecturer and student can regularly schedule 'live' appointments during the e-learning process.
  • The hard line between working time and time off is blurring. The experience is that e-learning takes place in your own time and not necessarily during working hours.
  • The organization must be willing to make initial investments to set up e-learning.

Pluvo makes e-learning accessible to every organization

That last point is exactly what Pluvo is responding to. Pluvo wants to make learning accessible to everyone. By offering expertise and attractive packages. Pluvo understands that it is a big step for organizations to move towards e-learning. That's why Pluvo is always ready for personal service and answering questions. Any questions already? Use the chat function in the bottom right corner!

Also read: time management tips.

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