An online academy for volunteers at the Resto VanHarte Foundation

Customer stories

“Pluvo was the only platform where you could really create your own academy, the most accessible way to build things yourself.”

Resto VanHarte Foundation
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Pluvo was the only platform where you could really create your own academy, the most accessible way to build things yourself.

What exactly does Resto VanHarte do?

Resto VanHarte is a foundation and we have Restos, social neighborhood restaurants, throughout the Netherlands to gather people around the dinner table against loneliness. Our motto is to make as much impact as possible and to help people connect with each other and to us. With our Restos, we combat loneliness and make everyone feel like you belong.

“The dinner table with a meal is a means of connecting people.”

What target group does Resto VanHarte focus on?

We are there for everyone and make no distinction between age and background. Our largest target group is elderly people. But loneliness has also increased significantly among young people. In addition to the normal Restos, there are also Children's Restos where children aged 9 to 12 receive three lessons where breakfast, lunch and dinner are made once. In doing so, they learn about cooking, eating healthy and how much fun it is to work in groups. A good way to combat and prevent loneliness, because children work on their social skills with other children.

“Dining together is a social thing, where you talk to each other, you get to know different cultures and you share dishes with each other.”

How do you use Pluvo for Resto VanHarte?

We are now using it for volunteers to support the work that people do in the neighborhood restaurants. Before the start of the Resto day, volunteers can complete an e-learning module on topics such as kitchen hygiene, food safety and hospitality so that they arrive at location well prepared. In addition, Pluvo is also used to onboarding new volunteers, about the origin of Resto and getting to know the organisation.

Why was Pluvo chosen as a platform at the time?

“Pluvo was the only platform where you could really create your own academy, the most accessible way to build things yourself. ”

In addition, it was advantageous for our organisation from a price point of view. You don't have to lay down a lot of money when you start an academy, but you can scale up with users later. Pluvo also helped us set up all learning lines.

How is Pluvo experienced?

It is self-reliant. Sometimes hospitality managers want something to change and then it's easy to change things in the platform, even if the academy is already up and running.

What tips do you have for other organisations that are working on e-learning?

Before you start, the most important thing is to think about the target group, content and purpose of the e-learning. Then you can think about what you want to convey to the employees who follow the e-learning and how to keep them engaged throughout the e-learning.

Are there still things you want to say?

When you are going to set up an academy, you also have to think about how to involve the organisation. Deploy enough people in the organisation and design it internally. You can keep renewing the existing academy to keep it interesting. But do needs-oriented research so that your academy fits everyone.

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