Britt & Emma
How do you hire temporary workers efficiently, especially when they are already very busy? Right, with e-learning! And that is exactly why Piekfijn uses Pluvo.
Very nice is a student employment agency, but actually much more than that. This is because the students that Piekfijn sends are thoroughly selected and must follow extensive training. Only then can they start working for clients such as the Van Gogh Museum, Carré, the Rijksmuseum, KLM, ING and Spotify. This is how the company ensures that their temporary workers actually very fine are.
It's no coincidence that Piekfijn's customers say you pick Piekfijners out like that (and that's very positive, of course).
Piekfijn consists of two branches:
and has a talent pool with more than 500 employees. This way, they always ensure that the right people are in the right place. With thorough training.
Piekfijn originated from Thijs, who knew 5 years ago during his studies that he wanted to do something other than law. He had a fun, spontaneous group of people around him, and thought: using groups of friends at events should radiate more energy than a group of temporary workers who don't know each other. Let me set something up.
So he gathered around him a group of 50 people, the first student hospitality pool. This was quickly deployed during their first event: the gay pride. After that, things went fast. 5 years later, the pool has grown to 500+ people and 5 employees work in the office.
The hospitality section falls under Piekfijn Events. Piekfijn Select has also been around for a few weeks now.
With Piekfijn Select, companies can hire flexible, representative office workers, for example at peak times. But temporary projects can also be supported with employees from Piekfijn. “We think there is a demand for this and this is also great for employees who don't have much to do with the hospitality industry. This also allows employees to gain experience in their future field of work.”
For this interview, we spoke with Britt (operational manager) and Emma (HR manager) to find out how Piekfijn uses e-learning for the onboarding and training their temporary workers. And what impact this actually has.
“With Piekfijn events, we promise professional, representative people who can be deployed anywhere on the hospitality floor. The people who join Piekfijn usually do not follow a hospitality course. It is therefore essential that they have the right basic knowledge before they are sent to work. After all, employers expect pinnacle temporary workers.
“We used to provide physical training, but students are very busy. That's why we thought e-learning was ideal: you can follow it whenever and wherever you want. Whether you're at home, in college, or lying on the couch.”
“With e-learning, you can also provide the right training to very large groups of people at the same time. Offline, that is much more difficult. Even when students want to refresh their knowledge quickly, e-learning is ideal!”
“Pluvo is handy, simple and clear. Pluvo just works really well!”
“Of course, you have to practice in practice, but you can already learn a lot with e-learning. It also ensures that students arrive at the first job more confidently.”
“Once we knew we wanted to use e-learning, we had to look for a suitable platform. For a long time, Thijs has been looking for the best way to offer e-learning. Pluvo was the only provider he liked, connecting to the Piekfijn issue, which also looked good!”
“We are very happy with Pluvo; with Pluvo, we ensure that our students are up to speed”
“In Pluvo, we have created various e-learnings. Before students can get started, they must complete the basic training. In addition, we have also created in-depth training courses, such as “dinner”, “bar” and “serving”. These go deeper into the hospitality profession.”
“We immediately noticed the effect of the welcome training. Students are much better informed about what belongs and what doesn't belong.”
The online training courses are didactically smart. “Each chapter covers a different topic. And each chapter starts with a video.”
“We made several instructional videos. For example, you will learn how to carry a tray. The students are then asked to see if they have understood the video correctly. They automatically receive extensive feedback on the answers they give. We then conclude each chapter with a summary. We deliberately alternate text with videos and questions.”
Piekfijn has big plans for the future. They want to expand to all student cities in the Netherlands, for both the event and the select side. But with the nice, smooth people that are so characteristic of Piekfijn. Pluvo grows with their needs.
They also want to make e-learnings for the Piekfijn Select side, so that students come to customers well prepared. For example, students always go to the employer well dressed, because these rules vary from office to office. They know the basic information so that they are well prepared for the job. And they are much more confident!
As an educational expert specialising in online learning, I have been writing blogs for Pluvo for 5 years. My focus is on powerful learning solutions for organisations. Universal Design for Learning and inclusive learning are my passion; I believe that education should be accessible and fun for everyone.
I've been combining my 35 years of HR experience with copywriting for over 15 years. And even then, I learn new things over and over again. That's what makes writing blogs for Pluvo so incredibly interesting!