Helpful tips to help you and your business grow

HR/learning in organisations

How do you ensure that your company can not only grow, but also continue to thrive? We have helpful HR tips for every small employer.

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How do you ensure that your company can not only grow, but also continue to thrive? We have helpful HR tips for every small employer.

With these tips, you can let your company and yourself grow and thrive

You may recognise yourself in this story. You once started your own business because you were simply good at your job. Expert in a certain form of service, or a real professional in making a certain product. And it worked: your company grew into a successful company. In fact, it got so busy that you decided to hire extra hands (or brain cells).

Then came the moment when you suddenly realised that your focus had gradually moved from your original core business (that service or product you're so good at) to outright business management. That's a different cake, though.

Not only have more people become dependent on the success of your company, but also vice versa: because without them, your company can no longer grow and thrive either. So you need to get started with HR management, especially if you plan to expand your business even further. How do you do that, if that's not really your job? These tips can help you get started.

1. Keep a clear and achievable goal in mind

Of course, it's good to set out a multi-year plan for your company. Setting a clear spot on the horizon in the short and long term is definitely part of a good business strategy. However, be realistic in your ambitions and don't set your bar too high.

So consider not only how fast you would like to grow, but also what it takes to do this. Financially, materially and in the field of HR. What does it require in terms of effort, knowledge and skills from your employees?

Make a so-called “fleet survey”: which people do you currently have at home, are they able to go through that development and, if so, what do they need? You may need to slow down a bit. But you can also move forward with small steps. And it offers you and your employees a little more breathing space to grow well with developments.

2. Build a strong team

As a starting entrepreneur, you are at the helm on your own, and you are the spider in the web that has everything under control. But as your company grows, prepare yourself for not being able to do everything yourself anymore. You have to dare and be able to outsource some things to other people. If you don't, there is a good chance that you will not only get stuck yourself, but that your company will go down with you. And that can't be the intention anyway.

Really, you don't have to be able to do everything. It is not without reason that the expression is “to each his own”. So gather a strong team around you so that you can let go of some things and pass the baton to someone who understands them more than you.

Is your company too small for a permanent HR advisor or financial professional? Then consider hiring an external advisor against an “hourly bill”. There is nothing wrong with that either. It gives you extra space in your agenda and a better night's sleep.

3. Develop your leadership skills

Once you're no longer a one-pitter, but have one or more employees running around, you don't just need more expertise about your product or service. Then something extra is needed: leadership skills. You must be able to motivate people, bind them to your organisation, and be able to set and pass on company norms and values.

That requires quite a bit. Self-insight, conversation techniques or time management, to name just a few aspects. Some people have those skills naturally in-house, but it usually takes more to be a good manager.

So feel free to get advice from a business coach, or follow good management training. It is well worth the investment.

4. Take care of your employees

Once you have carefully selected your dream team put together, make sure they also want to continue to commit to your company. You do that, for example, with a healthy work culture. A work environment where you are allowed to make mistakes and where you feel safe. An environment where sufficient investments are made in good working conditions, and a salary that feels like an appreciative pat on the back.

Taking good care of your employees also means offering them the space to develop further. So budget for an adequate training budget and regularly discuss future dreams and hidden talents with your employees.

Some diamonds don't catch the eye at first glance, but can just shine with the right attention. How nice is that when you turn out to have such a diamond at home?!

5. Jump in the deep end from time to time

If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got. As contradictory as it sounds: if you want to give your company more security of life, it is sometimes necessary to take a chance.

By constantly babbling, you fall asleep. Then it may just be that you, as an entrepreneur, miss the boat at some point. You are not growing with the market and are not making sufficient use of new opportunities and insights.

Of course, we don't advise you to make thoughtless choices very impulsively. But there is nothing wrong with taking a decision after a good SWOT analysis. To choose a different way of working, renewing a product, increasing your workforce or opening a new branch. That may feel awkward and sometimes a bit exciting, but such a leap of faith can just give your business a new boost.

And yes, sometimes you're guessing wrong or making an error of judgment. See that as a learning moment. As long as you keep a buffer handy, that's totally fine.

Opt for online solutions
There are many online options to help you keep your business future-proof. From internal communication, calculating various scenarios and keeping personal development plans to keeping your employees' knowledge up to date. But we can imagine that sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees, because the choice is huge. So feel free to contact us. Then we would love to think along with you!

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