Develop and renew your employees' skills with Immersive Learning


By using immersive Learning, organisations can improve the effectiveness of their training courses while future-proof their business.

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By using immersive Learning, organisations can improve the effectiveness of their training courses while future-proof their business.

Our world is changing rapidly, and the gap between the skills companies need and what employees can offer is widening. This not only threatens productivity, but also the growth of organisations. It is a challenge for companies to continuously upskill and retrain their employees.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on how companies approach employee training. Where continuous skill development used to be primarily a smart choice, it has now become an absolute necessity. The need to continuously retrain and retrain employees forces organisations to be flexible and well-prepared workforce to develop that is ready for the challenges of a rapidly changing market. Learning and Development (L&D) professionals play a crucial role here. They need to re-evaluate existing training materials and processes to stay up to date with the latest developments and technologies.

A very effective method for this is immersive Learning. Immersive Learning is a learning method that fully immerses employees in a simulated or interactive environment. This often uses technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) or Mixed Reality (MR).

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality (VR) let employees step into a 3D computerised environment. This makes them look like they are really part of a virtual world, for example a workplace, a process, or a certain situation.

Benefits of Virtual Reality

Using VR in e-learning offers many advantages. In this way, it offers employees an active learning experience instead of just passively receiving the information. VR makes it easier to understand complex concepts and theories. In addition, VR makes learning more fun and creative, even when it comes to boring topics.

It also improves information retention because the information is linked to emotions. In addition, it takes employees relatively little time to understand complex topics, which makes for more learning pleasure.

Virtual Reality Applications

VR offers new learning opportunities that weren't available before. For example, learning about working in risky environments, handling hazardous materials, or performing complex actions without real danger.

This provides valuable practical experience without risks, allowing employees to make mistakes and possibly try again without dangerous consequences.

Difference between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

The difference between VR and Augmented Reality (AR) is mainly in the user experience and the equipment:

  • AR uses the real world as a background, while VR is completely virtual.
  • AR users remain active in the real world, while VR users are in a fully virtual world.
  • VR requires a headset, while AR is simply accessible via a smartphone.
  • AR combines real and virtual elements, while VR only takes place in a virtual reality.

Why choose Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality (AR) is a rapidly growing trend. By 2024, there are expected to be 2.4 billion mobile AR users worldwide. AR changes how we interact with mobile apps by integrating computer-generated images into the employee's real environment. This allows employees to learn in a more interactive environment.

AR doesn't replace the entire real world, but adds virtual objects to the real world. This makes it ideal for simulations where employees can practice with real objects in a realistic setting.

Practice big with a small risk

AR is a powerful tool, especially in high-risk situations. For example, doctors can practice complex procedures without putting patients at risk. Employees can practice with tools in a safe environment while experiencing the same stress and workload as in the real world. Each decision they make leads to a different outcome, helping them understand and oversee the consequences of their actions.

Immersive Learning with VR and AR therefore offers promising opportunities for upskilling and reskilling employees! Not only does it make learning more effective and fun, it also prepares employees better for practice. Companies that choose these technologies are investing in a future-proof workforce that is ready for tomorrow's challenges.

In this way, organisations strengthen their competitive position and adapt to the continuously changing requirements of the modern world.

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