Social e-Learning - Learn from and with each other


Learning is increasingly taking place online. But despite technological developments, we humans are still social beings. Social e-learning combines the best of both worlds!

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Learning is increasingly taking place online. But, despite technological developments, we humans are still social beings. Social e-learning combines the best of both worlds!

Due to today's rapidly developing technology, learning is increasingly taking place online. But despite technological developments, we humans are still social beings. We get energy from connection and the retention of what we have learned is higher if we can 'spar' about it with others. How can we combine e-learning with “social learning” to offer “the best of both worlds” in a learning environment?

What exactly is Social Learning?

Social Learning is learning from and with each other. Social Learning takes place both offline and online.

In traditional education, there is mainly the offline variant of Social Learning: talking to fellow students during class, discussing the course material during the coffee break, or attending a professional development day.

Social Learning is a broad and flexible concept and has been around for about fifty years. In recent years, there have been many online application options added via social media and other channels.

For example, discussing the course material in an online chat, posting interesting links or videos in (Facebook) communities, or sharing ideas on Pinterest.

Social Learning and e-Learning

E-learning is often seen as a less social way of learning. After all, less time is spent “together” and it is a more individual way of learning.

In our previous blog, we described different ways of e-learning more personal to make. Social Learning plays an important role here.

Research has shown that experiencing connection while learning provides a higher intrinsic motivation.

Although e-learning takes place via a device, it can still be very interactive.

To increase the sense of connection while learning, the teacher can introduce themselves by, for example, a photo collage or a video.

The more personal this introduction, the more connection the students will experience.

In addition, students can also introduce themselves.

When you then “meet” each other in a discussion forum or other posts, you know who is “behind” this interaction and the interaction becomes more alive.

Blended Learning is an effective way to combine offline and online learning. The advantage of Blended Learning is that there is an optimal connection. Students meet each other offline as well as online, which further strengthens the connection that occurs during offline learning during online learning.

Benefits of Social E-learning

Social e-Learning has many benefits for organisations. It offers more options than the standard 'course' in which only a select group participates. By combining e-learning and social learning, endless opportunities are created for offering learning opportunities for staff/students.

Social e-Learning has many more advantages:

  • It promotes collaboration and collegiality
  • It promotes connection between employees (even between employees who would otherwise not meet directly at the coffee machine)
  • It involves employees who may be skeptical about “traditional learning”
  • It offers flexibility
  • It encourages employees to take responsibility for their own learning process and to carry it out in a way that suits them.
  • It stimulates intrinsic motivation

Learning Management Systems often offer ample opportunities to somewhat structure Social E-learning. For example, you can set up a virtual community and encourage students from the start to share ideas, give each other feedback on their contribution, share new ideas, and post valuable information.

Learn more about e-learning. Download the free e-book: e-Learning Essentials.

How do I apply Social E-learning?

Start with a common goal.

Social E-learning works most effectively when there is a common goal. Especially when this' bottom-up 'goal has come about in an organisation.

This ensures that employees feel involved in this goal and have indicated that they are interested in achieving this goal.

Create access to the Social E-learning channels for all employees.

Make sure everyone has access to the channels you want to use for Social E-learning.

A good internet connection is a prerequisite here, but also sharing the correct passwords, admitting all employees to an online community, or sharing the name of the Pinterest page where you want to collect ideas.

Facilitate Social E-learning.

Set a good example.

If you want members to introduce themselves online, make sure you do this first, in a creative way.

This also encourages the other employees to introduce themselves to the other group members in a fun, creative way.

This is especially important when working with employees from multiple locations who have never seen each other 'in real life'.

Ask for feedback.

  • Does everyone find the existing channels for Social E-learning valuable?
  • Which channels are preferred?
  • Are there other things that can be improved or modified to make learning even easier and more interesting?
  • Is there a need for a “repository” for all valuable input from the Social E-learning channels?

In short, make sure you're constantly asking for feedback so you can improve your social (e) learning!

Want to get started with social e-learning yourself?

Social e-Learning is effective, fun and accessible. It creates connection and stimulates intrinsic motivation. Sounds good right?

If you're curious about how Social E-learning can enrich learning within your organisation, Pluvo is happy to help you discover the opportunities within your organisation.

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