Rebuilding trust in your team? Here are 5 tips!

HR/learning in organisations

Creating trust among employees is the basis for an optimal performing organisation. Read this blog so you can restore mutual trust in your team!

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Creating trust among employees is the basis for an optimal performing organisation. Read this blog so you can restore mutual trust in your team!

Creating trust among team employees

We've blogged about it before: a fat salary and a big lease car are of course nice, but not the most decisive thing for employees to consider applying elsewhere. Having your own control, a pleasant working atmosphere and sufficient challenge usually score much higher on the list. The basis for these push factors? It all stands or falls with vCreating trust. From the organisation to the employee, but also vice versa.

“Trust comes on foot, but goes on horseback.”

I'm sure you know him, that expression. He is unbelievably true. Even before your employee has joined you, start the employee journey and starts building a relationship of trust. This is quite a fragile process, in which you can't afford too many mistakes, no matter how small. Every careless typo or, even worse, unfulfilled promise puts a dent in that still fresh introduction.

Those dents are also permanently stored in your employee's memory. Precisely because starting with a new employer is an impressive moment, every experience, positive and negative, comes in extra intense. And even later in the career, your employee will continue to systematically fill the emotional bank account with you as an employer.

So make sure you have enough credits to prevent your employee from taking a leisurely path.

Yes, we hear you growl. Of course, your bank account must also be filled properly by the employee himself. So you can certainly set requirements for productivity, attitude to work and loyalty. But above all, do self-reflection, look in the mirror and ask yourself how you, as an employer, can ensure that you are both happy and stay happy with each other. Ask yourself how you can create optimal mutual trust.

Of course, we have a few great tips for you. Here's how you can do it restore trust in your team!

Rebuilding trust in a team: 5 tips

  1. Ensure a safe environment

Do you have a feeling that something is not right in the mutual work environment? Don't hesitate and discuss it. By swirling around the bush yourself, you maintain that atmosphere. The distrust grows and before you know it, you become part of the problem yourself.

So mention what you feel and ask in a positive, connecting way how it can be solved together.

Create an atmosphere where it feels safe to discuss everything, no matter how difficult, with each other. If someone tells you something in confidence, keep that information to yourself. However, encourage the employee to discuss issues that directly affect work with his or her colleagues themselves. Train the employees to give each other constructive feedback and, of course, lead by example. Invite feedback and dare to be vulnerable. This can therefore mean that your own decisions and actions are also being scrutinised. Realise that's okay: a critical eye is the fate of every manager.

But because it is now openly mentioned, you get the chance that you can tackle and solve it. And that's just the difference!

2. Split into smaller teams

If you have a large organisation, it is often difficult to create a personal working atmosphere and work efficiently. It can then be a good idea to split the organisation into a number of smaller teams. You actually get a few smaller organisations in an organisation. Working on a somewhat smaller scale, for example, gives employees the opportunity to learn new things and take on responsibilities, which are usually placed with a staff department as standard in a larger organisation.

This can therefore be a good breeding ground for developing your own direction and growth.

Another advantage of a smaller team: it is easier to manage and supervise. Colleagues get to know each other better and find it much more natural to seek cooperation. Make sure that the team is not going to be an island and excludes the rest of the organisation. So consciously connect with other teams and see where you can strengthen each other.

3. Say what you do

Be clear and complete in providing information. Ensure clear, transparent communication without hidden agendas. If the organisation is not doing well financially, include your employees in the developments. Maybe they have brilliant ideas for solving bottlenecks.

If something complicated, such as a reorganisation, comes into view, don't keep it in front of you for too long. The rumor machine, often fueled by incorrect noise, usually runs earlier and faster than you think. By informing yourself on time, you are not only in control of the way and content of the communication. The employees' trust in you as a manager will also grow.

If they can count on always being informed quickly and correctly, they are more likely to think along with you and remain loyal. In good times and bad.

4. Do what you say

A deal is a deal. It sounds very simple, but unfortunately, promises made earlier are often reversed. Sometimes very understandable, because the circumstances have changed unexpectedly. Everyone understands that, with the Covid problems, that big bonus for the travel agency employee is suddenly no longer an option. But a credible — but too spontaneous — commitment from the mouth of a manager creates expectations. If it is withdrawn later, it makes it difficult to repair an employee's trust.

5. Ensure a positive work climate

Let's face it, no one goes to work whistling every day. But even if you woke up grumpy, it does help to know that there is a positive vibe in the office and that you can tell your colleagues your story. Then you'll recover automatically! In a positive work climate, you dare to be yourself and it's okay if you make a mistake. You don't have to point to others, but you get the space to take responsibility and learn from it.

Tip for every manager: always pour the glass half full. Do you see talent flourishing or a good result? Name it, give a compliment.

You don't have to throw it around every day, unless, of course, there is reason to do so. The appreciation has to come from your heart, otherwise it won't come across and you'll miss the point completely.

Want to create more trust online?

Smart online solutions can also contribute to the positive development of your organisation. Just think of low-threshold information portals, easy surveys or easily asking for 360-degree feedback. Feel free to contact us if you want to know more about this!

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