E-learning in factories as the way to digital progress


The digital revolution is transforming the production sector. E-learning plays a crucial role in dealing with these changes and helps production companies adapt efficiently.

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The digital revolution is transforming the production sector. E-learning plays a crucial role in dealing with these changes and helps production companies adapt efficiently.

In our blogs, we often talk about the digital revolution. One of the sectors that is experiencing the biggest consequences is the production sector; the factories that produce goods. Since the very beginning of the technological revolution, robots have been steadily taking over the work of human hands. Just look at the car industry, for example: car factories were becoming more efficient and there were more and more layoffs. On the one hand, of course, very bad for the people who lose their jobs. On the other hand, it's also incredibly promising: what else is possible if the technology continues to develop at this pace?

Of course, we have no concrete answer to that last question. What we do know is that e-learning will play a very important role in this digital development anyway. In this blog, we discuss the challenges facing the manufacturing sector in this digital era, the important role that e-learning plays in responding to these challenges, and how manufacturing companies can implement e-learning as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Challenges for the manufacturing sector in the digital age

The rapid digital developments (think, for example, Artificial Intelligence) continuously challenge factories to make processes more efficient and productive. However, this also comes with its share of challenges. We list them below:

1. Skill shortage

Of course, it's great that computers develop at lightning speed without any effort, but we as humans sometimes have trouble keeping up.

As production systems become more advanced, there is an increasing need for employees who are skilled with technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation.

However, many companies face a significant shortage of people who have these digital skills, which is hampering the company's growth and innovation.

2. Stay up to date

One system hasn't been upgraded yet, or the next update is just around the corner. That is the daily reality in factories.

This not only requires a lot of digital skills from employees, it also requires great adaptability and flexibility.

3. Keeping an eye on sustainability

The growing focus on sustainability is forcing companies to reduce their environmental footprint and comply with stricter regulations. This requires substantial investments in new technologies and processes.

E-learning can be of great value here by training employees in sustainable working methods and more efficient production methods.

Why e-learning is essential for factories

How does e-learning contribute to efficiently moving with, and anticipating, the digital transformation within production companies, especially in the field of staff development?

1. Flexibility

Production companies often have tight staff schedules, procedures, and schedules, so it's not really convenient to suddenly organize a training day. With e-learning, this is not necessary either. With e-learning, employees can update their knowledge and skills where and when it suits them (and the company they work for).

E-learning also makes a useful contribution to scalability: whether 1 or 100 employees participate in the e-learning, this makes no difference!

2. Cost savings

If training days do not have to be organized, a trainer does not have to be hired, the production lines do not have to stand still, and no catering needs to be offered, just to name a few things.

So good for the budget!

3. Always up to date and realistic

The rapid technological developments in the production sector require continuous training. E-learning makes it possible to update training material quickly and efficiently. This means that all employees always have access to the most up to date information, ensuring consistent quality and compliance with safety standards in the production environment.

In addition, interactive e-learning makes learning more attractive and effective.

Through the use of realistic scenarios and virtual environments employees get the opportunity to put new knowledge into practice immediately.

4. Reports and audits

Because the e-learning software automatically keeps track who followed and completed what, as a production company, you always know exactly which certificates someone has obtained.

Ideal for audits!

How do you implement e-learning in factories?

Sounds like a “must-have”, right? But how do you implement e-learning in a production company? We'll explain it in a few simple steps:

1. Define the learning objectives

Start by identifying the most important learning needs within your company.

What digital skills do your employees lack? Or are there new production methods or safety requirements that they need to work on right away?

Define clear goals for the e-learning.

2. Choose an appropriate platform

A suitable e-learning platform is essential. Please note that the platform is not only user-friendly, but also flexible enough to scale up. Make sure it is suitable for providing learning material in various ways, such as videos, quizzes, and interactive modules. This ensures that each employee can learn in their own way.

Did you know, for example, that Pluvo is extremely suitable for this? With the Pluvo LMS Checklist select the right LMS for your organization.

3. Involve your employees

Clearly communicate why the e-learning is being introduced and how it will help employees in their daily work. Give them time to get used to the platform and provide support where necessary.

The more engaged the employees are, the better the results!

4. Integrate it into daily practice

Make sure employees have enough time and space to learn without sacrificing their productivity. For example, schedule short learning sessions during quiet times of their shift.

This prevents learning from being experienced as an extra burden.

Getting started with e-learning in your factory?

Are you curious about how you can implement e-learning as efficiently and effectively as possible in your production company? Contact us via chat!

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