Does your workday often just look different than you had in mind when you got out in the morning? Do you let others happily organise your agenda? An email here, a call there. That colleague who runs into your office with fright and asks if you can help NOW. Will you let everything fall out of your hands to answer as quickly as possible or get that urgent job done? Then it looks like you're doing it on reactive works.
Reactive work means that you only take action when someone else asks for it.
Having such a reactive colleague in the department can be very easy. You know you can always go to get that annoying little monkey off your shoulder. Once you've found that path, you're secretly putting an entire zoo on the shoulder of that increasingly puffing but always very helpful colleague.
But if you are that workhorse yourself, it can just fly at you. Your mailbox is overflowing, your to-do list is constantly growing and your blood pressure is rising. So not healthy. You think you're doing a good job of helping others through stress. Of course, it seems very collegial, but ultimately it comes at the expense of your productivity.
Fortunately, there are various ways to get more control on the working day and ultimately to reduce work stress. With the following 5 tips, we'll help you get started.
Change your settings on your laptop and phone. Every time a pop-up comes in, you seriously lose concentration. Even if you don't read the message, it takes dozens of precious minutes to get your focus back. Push messages on your phone can also usually be read up to an hour later. Unless, of course, it's NL Alert.
Schedule 3 fixed times of the day for half an hour to read your mail and Whatsapp. For example, at 10 a.m., just after lunch, and 4 p.m. It may take some getting used to not checking your inbox all the time, it might even feel like a digital detox. But really, it helps you get and stay in your flow. Don't forget to tell your colleagues that from now on, they won't have to expect an answer from you within 5 minutes. You'll probably become a trendsetter here, because really, you're not the only one with digital stress.
Ask yourself this golden question every time you have the urge to fall into that pitfall, which is often dug by someone else. In 99% of the cases, the world really won't end if you pick up a “rush” an hour later.
Will the world end if you wait a while to respond? If not, just make a note and again back to your own business.
It happens before you even know it, especially when you work together in one room. Just ask your colleague a quick question, or complain about an annoying customer. But what applies to you also applies to your colleague. Every disruption takes you out of your flow for a while.
Therefore, agree with each other what you really like or even need to disturb each other about. These are the really urgent things that really shouldn't wait. Also discuss the way you're bothering each other. Can the subject or question also appear in an email? Then that is the right way to go. And if it's about discussion points that belong well in a work meeting, park it in a special online space that is accessible to both of you. Then your colleague can respond to it at a time that suits him or her. Or can you go through the list together if you do have your work meeting. You won't have to think about the agenda next time either!
Read this blog if you want to know more about hybrid working.
Huh? What kind of crazy tip is this again? Take our word for it: he works. By applying the so-called “Pomodoro Technique”, you force yourself to work fully focused on your project for a limited period of time. Of course, you don't necessarily need a kitchen timer, the timer function on your mobile also works great. Although you may be tempted to just read a quick app or email again...
How does it work Pomodoro technique? Think about a job or project that you would like to finish. You've already turned off all the digital noise (see tip 1) and your colleagues are just as disciplined as you, because you've made good agreements (tip 3). Set your egg timer or timer to exactly 25 minutes. Then you go to work until the signal function sounds. Take a 5 minute break. And continue with the next task until another 25 minutes have passed. Have you worked such a block 4 times? Then take a break of at least 15 minutes.
If you fill a working day like this, you'll be amazed at the amount of tasks you've done and completed. Moreover, there is such a structure in this way of working that you experience more peace of mind.
Be kind to yourself and learn to say “No”. Ultimately, you're also doing your manager and colleagues a big favor with it. Because responsibilities stay where they belong. And you get the chance to be really productive and also stay well balanced.
Block enough “me-time” in your digital calendar and set your status to “busy”. That's time you can spend reading your email, working out administration or (also important, because it's refueling time!) taking a break. See these blocks in your agenda as cast in concrete. No one's coming unless things are on fire, of course.
If you don't stand up for yourself enough, there can be friction between you and your colleagues. Make sure you put a positive spin on this and read this blog about workplace conflicts solve.
The internet is full of interesting facts to help you learn how to use your agenda and yourself smarter. Take advantage of the unparalleled possibilities of Outlook and cloud solutions. We at Pluvo know a lot of digital tips and tricks, because hey, that's our job! So don't hesitate to contact us, we'll be happy to help you out.
As an educational expert specialising in online learning, I have been writing blogs for Pluvo for 5 years. My focus is on powerful learning solutions for organisations. Universal Design for Learning and inclusive learning are my passion; I believe that education should be accessible and fun for everyone.
I've been combining my 35 years of HR experience with copywriting for over 15 years. And even then, I learn new things over and over again. That's what makes writing blogs for Pluvo so incredibly interesting!