Microlearning: also suitable for your organisation!


Microlearning is hip and is seen as the tool for training employees. How can you apply this efficiently within your organisation?

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Microlearning is hip and is seen as the tool for training employees. How can you apply this efficiently within your organisation?

Let's go microlearning

Microlearning is hip and is seen as the tool for training employees. But microlearning isn't new.

Why has it grown so much in popularity? And how can organisations benefit from this?

In this blog, we'll discuss exactly what microlearning is, how you can benefit from it as an organisation, and what cool and effective examples other organisations and companies have already come before you with.

What is microlearning?

Microlearning consists of small, manageable pieces of information that are aimed at achieving a certain learning goal. Often, these pieces of information are cast in an attractive media format such as a podcast, gifs, videos, quizzes, etc. As a result, the information is easily and quickly accessible from various devices such as a laptop, tablet and phone and can be learned in the blink of an eye and in just a few minutes.

Why those small, manageable pieces?

The idea behind the small, manageable pieces of information is that repetition leads to retention. Because the information is presented to the student in various attractive ways, it is more likely that what has been learned will actually stick.

In addition, an average learning time of 3-5 minutes is a lot more attractive for the busy employee than spending hours at school or with your nose in the books.

Other benefits of microlearning:

Microlearning suits every learning style.

Because the student can choose what information he or she needs at that moment, learning becomes. more personal. In addition, the student chooses the pieces of information that match his or her interest and learning style: one student may choose to read an article, while the other student would prefer a podcast at that time.

Microlearning makes good use of timing.

Students consult the material when they feel ready. The materials are available “on demand”, which means that they are accessible at any time and are not “imposed” on the student in any particular order.

Microlearning makes learning attractive.

Because different learning materials are used, such as podcasts, gif files, videos, quizzes, etc., the learning material becomes extra attractive and less “dry”.

Microlearning: less is more.

Microlearning takes less time and is designed to make learning as efficient as possible.

In addition, microlearning offers a number of additional benefits when applied within organisations. Due to the compact size and length of the learning materials, they are easier and cheaper to develop than, for example, an entire e-learning module. In addition, these small pieces of information can be updated more easily. Compared to other learning materials, microlearning has a major impact - microlearning focuses on mastering a narrow - but clearly defined - learning goal.

How do I start microlearning?

Inside us previous blog about microlearning we described five steps that an organisation can take to start microlearning:

  1. Set the goal — formulate the learning goal of the microlearning on a SMART way. This ensures that the learning objectives are measurable and thus it can be measured how successful the microlearning ultimately was.
  2. Create a persona of your target audience, which matches the specific needs, age and background of your target group.
  3. Take a learning journey. Define the steps in the learning process. If you can reduce the learning intervention to a single learning goal, you know that microlearning is a good option.
  4. Determine the shape. Choose the right tool and media (article, podcast, gif, quiz, etc.) to convey the learning material.
  5. Create the microlearning. Write the lyrics, record the video, develop a story. Pluvo is happy to be a sparring partner here!
  6. Evaluate microlearning. Have the preset SMART learning goals been achieved?
Want to know more about online learning? Download the e-book “e-learning essentials” for free

Examples of microlearning

Many organisations have already preceded you in using and creating microlearning. One instance where microlearning can be used effectively is a training that offers scenarios. For example, when learning about safety in the workplace, developing customer service skills, or learning skills that follow a step-by-step plan. Scenarios can be offered in microlearning via a video where the student selects the appropriate action or formulates an answer.

With entry-level training courses you can offer a small microlearning every day. This can be videos, but also videos combined with questions. This way, you learn a little bit every day and the microlearnings are easy to open via your inbox!

In short, microlearning is an ideal and hip way to make learning manageable. Microlearning offers small amounts of information in an attractive media format. This makes the information easily accessible at any time and from any device. It contributes to better retention and suits every learning style.

Are you curious about the possibilities that microlearning offers for your organisation? Pluvo is happy to help you identify the possibilities.

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